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小山笼罩在薄雾中。The hills misted over.

我的家在那座小山上。My house is on the hill.

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我的房子掩映在小山之中。My house is among the hills.

他的红房子位于小山上。His red house stands on hill.

我的小屋将建在小山边。Mine be a cot beside the hill.

他的红房子位于小山上。His red house stands on a hill.

小山隐没在浓雾之中.The hills were wrapped in mist.

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部队在小山上集合。The troops mustered on the hill.

小山上耸立着一座塔。There stands a tower on the hill.

我飞过小山和山谷。As over the hills and dales I fly.

这是在网走小山的养殖果园。A orchard on the hills of Abashiri.

他在一个小山上踮足而立。He stood tiptoe upon a little hill.

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踮着脚,我站在小山冈上。I stood tip-toe upon a little hill.

有时他们开车去一座小山。Sometimes they drove out to a hill.

我们在公园的小山上野餐。We picnicked on a knoll in the park.

这些巨石建筑物的附近有一座小山。Near the megalithic stones is a hill.

这一站就是小山火山遗址。That's the site the Xiaoshan Volcano.

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在小山上,表示地点,放在句末。There are a lot of trees on the hill.

哪个更高点?一座小山还是一座山?Which is higher?A hill or a mountain?

在荷兰中俯看第一个小山!Overlooking the first hill in Holland!