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它的动力是怎样的?How is it powered?

但是有动力更妙。But drive is better.

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他们有动力。They were motivated.

需要点动力?Need further impetus?

睡眠是一个动力。Sleep is a motivation.

保持你的动力。Sustain your momentum.

你的动力是什么?What is your motivation?

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他的船装过超大的动力。His boat was overpowered.

你会更有动力。You become more energized.

你有实现它的动力吗?Do you have the motivation?

资金是一种强大的动力。Money is a great motivator.

但他以前确实没有学习动力。But he was very unmotivated.

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你的动力是否足够强?Is your drive strong enough?

它创造了它自身的动力。It creates its own momentum.

生存是最好的动力。Survival is a good motivator!

梅氏论证的动力。The motivation of Mei's proof.

开始学习动力伞的最好方法是什么?What is the best way to start?

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动力伞的技能等级是如何划分的?What is this PPG rating thing?

我是中国动力的黄锐。For China Drive, I'm Huang Rui.

您的支持是我们永远的动力!SEBS is always at your service!