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你博学多才,衣着讲究。You're well read, well dressed.

爱德华博士是一位最博学多才的学者。Dr. Edward is a most learned scholar.

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我想成为一个想我的老师那样博学多才的好人。I would like to be a kindand knowledgeable peron like my teacher.

博学多才,一表人才,开朗乐观,风趣幽默。Learned before, a table personnel, optimistic, cheerful, witty humor.

⊙、既当“博士”,又当“搏士”,这样才能既博学多才,又勇猛直前!As both "Dr", and "stroke", such ability is well-read, than energetic again!

以007为榜样,永远博学多才而又善学快进。Brilliant like 007, we are knowledgeable in massive area, and keep learning.

然而,若能把孩子培养得既博学多才又纯良仁善,结果便是锦上添花。If, however, the child be trained to be both learned and good, the result is light upon light.

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我,诚恳,热情,博学多才,一定会对您学习中文,了解中国历史文化提供最有力的协助!I'm honest ardor eruditely very much! For you I'm sure I can offer most vigorous assist! talk later !

这将为我们提供一个更广阔的职业前景,增强信心,结交更多的朋友,更加的博学多才。It will provide us a wider career prospect, raise confidence, make more friends, more knowledgeable and so on.

聪明、博学多才,有效率的交流者和多才多艺都是双子男人的关键词。Intelligence, knowledgeable, effective communicator and versatility are the keywords associated with a Gemini man.

范蠡生活清贫,但聪明好学,博学多才,他拜计然为师,成为当地一名圣贤。Although living a poor life, he was bright, curious and knowledgeable. After taught by Ji Ran, he became a local sage.

他博学多才,善计谋通兵法指挥了历史上著名的“赤壁之战”等战役。He was erudite and good at schemes and art of war. He used to command such famous battles in history as the "Battle of Chibi".

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在利比亚去年陷入政治危机前,他还获得了博学多才和国际花花公子的名声。He also developed a reputation as a renaissance man and international playboy before political crisis gripped his country this year.

他博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。He was not only a famous Confucian scholar, but also a versatile classic in Cizhang, Shushu, astronomy, music, history and literature.

对文学真正的喜爱不同于博学多才,正是因为阿卡什先生身上那种钟爱文学的狂热劲,才唤起了我自己对文学的欣赏。A genuine delight in literature is much rarer than erudition, and it was this enthusiastic enjoyment in Akshay Babu which used to awaken my own literary appreciation.

你可以称呼阿契博得。麦克列许是一个博学多才的人,亦即他不但多才多艺,而且兴趣广泛。或许你也是一个博学多才的人呢。你的兴趣跟天分是什么呢?You could call archibald macleish a renaissance man meaning he had many interests and talents. perhaps you are a renaissance person too. what are your interests and talents?

从前,有一只青蛙从他那湿地中的家里蹦了出来,向所有的动物宣称自己是一个博学多才的医生,精通于药学,能治百病。Once upon a time a Frog came forth from his home in the marshes and proclaimed to all the world that he was a learned physician, skilled in drugs and able to cure all diseases.

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他自幼开始博学多才,通晓天文地理、文学、历史以及农学,尤其在医疗保健术达到炉火纯青的地步。When he was young, he studied and mastered various classics, especially those related to medical and health measures, but also astronomy, geography, literature, history, and agriculture.