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哪些税收属于好的地税税种?Which taxes are good local taxes?

好的地税税种应与利益挂钩。A good local tax is linked to benefits.

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好的地税其税基的流动性较低。A good local tax has a less mobile base.

好的地税税种并不会引起纵向的税收扭曲。A good local tax does not lead to vertical distortions.

好的地税税种具备横向来看较为公平的税基。A good local tax has a base that is horizontally equitable.

好的地税税种具有可见性,能阻止预算软约束。A good local tax is visible and prevents soft budget constraints.

负责国税和地税的月度申报工作。Be responsible for the monthly state tax & local tax declaration.

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在这里买房需要有一位当地代理人和一个当地税号。A purchase requires a local representative and a local tax number.

确立房地产税收在地税中的主体税源地位已成为国际趋势。The real estate tax as a main tax source has become an international trend.

虽然地税在细节上复杂得要命,但在本质上却很简单。Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.

而同时,文书所见地税,实际是指户税。At the same time, the instrument can see land tax, the actual refers to the household duties.

地税主要涉及营业税、个人所得税、城市房地产税等等。Local taxes mainly include Business Tax, Individual Income Tax, Urban Real Estate Tax and so on.

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从今日起,所有在广州工作的外籍人员均需向主管地税部门报送有关个税税务资料。Foreigners in Guangzhou will have to declare their personal income for tax purposes starting today.

如果各方希望此买家负担进口的所有风险和费用,此到指定目的地税前交货价条件当被被使用。If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of the import, the DDU term should be used.

海外买家们需承担相关当地税项费用和海关入口条例。The overseas buyers must bear the correlation local taxes and levies expense and the customs entrance rule.

昨天上午7点多,仙桃市地税第二分局的12名职工像往常一样在单位食堂就餐。Yesterday, 7, Xiantao city government rent second branch of the 12 employees in the unit as usual cafeteria dining.

总之,地税资讯化建设应当从实际出发,遵循多元化原则。In short, land tax information construction should proceed from reality, guided by the principle of diversification.

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我们的负债率越来越高,并且持续上升,地税的重担压在头上,民众的固定成本居高不下。Our debt ratios got higher and with rising state and local taxes thrown on top of it, people's fixed costs were higher.

三是对湘潭市县级地税机关进行绩效评价实证分析。Third is the area of Xiangtan county-level tax authorities to conduct empirical analysis of the performance evaluation.

第三部分,介绍我国国、地税协调机制构建的对策性思考。The third part introduces the countermeasures to the national and local tax long-term coordination mechanism construction.