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在切割中发出警告。Severs its warning.

泡绵无尘切割。The foam clean cut.

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生命之刀!随着年岁切割着你。Cut you with the age!

我犯了一个卡板切割。I made a card board cut.

把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。Dicing a blade to a comb.

我们用刀来切割。We use knives for cutting.

经切割的钻石有很多晶面。A cut diamond has many faces.

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我将去切割疯狂的下一步。I'll be going scribing crazy next.

使你的切割锯木店。Make mitre cuts in your wood shop.

切割是平茬、收获的关键环节。The cutting is the key to harvest.

快速地切割金属,乾净俐落。Cut metals in a clean way and fast.

切割往往始于一种冲动。Cutting often begins on an impulse.

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切割厚板时,割口成V型。Cutting plate, cut into V type mouth.

切割口小,整齐,无掉渣现象。It cut a small mouth, neat, no dregs.

坝区发育盖层性断裂,切割较浅。In the dam area, a fault cuts the cap.

可以用来板材V型切割。It can be used for V-shape processing.

山西房屋的建造者是石头的切割者。The Shansi builders are stone cutters.

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研磨、砂轮,切割片。Grinding, grinding wheel, cutting disc.

切割是一种类型的自伤,或SI。Cutting is a type of self-injury, or SI.

任意图形尺寸切割,二维坐标移动。It can cut any size as per moving in 2D.