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哎,噩耗传来,好白菜都让猪拱了。All cabbage had been twiddled by pig.

他听到噩耗时吓得脸色发白。His face blanched with fear at the bad news.

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噩耗传来,犹如晴天霹雳。The grievous news came as a bolt from the blue.

母亲逝世的噩耗令我极为悲痛。The news of my mother's death distressed me greatly.

惊闻噩耗,咱们无比悲伤。We get only Listend dawn prosearch sorrow the sad news.

然而就在这一刻传来了他父亲与世长辞的噩耗。But at this moment came on the death of his father passed away.

当母亲听到噩耗时,她从椅子上一下子跳了起来。The mother leaped up from her chair when she heard the tragic news.

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我们能列举出历年来一连串关于它们的噩耗。We can list adduce past years to come a chain of the sad news of the death about them.

可悲的是,与家人团圆的换了很快就被噩耗所掩盖。Lamentably, happiness of reuniting with the family was covered very quickly by sad news.

我很苦恼,我该如何将这一噩耗告诉母亲说她最钟爱的儿子已经离她而去了呢。I worry. How am I am to break the news to my mother that her favourite adored son is gone.

但我们必须记住,不经传来的噩耗,有时也可能是好消息。But we must remember the bad news that's delivered, can sometimes be good news in disguise.

她的前夫,也就是孩子的爸爸,是第一个听到噩耗的人。Her ex-husband and children's father, Maged Guirguis was one of the first to hear the news.

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知道母亲得知这个噩耗会悲痛欲绝,他几乎三年都没有告诉她。He didn't tell his mother for almost three years, knowing the grief the news would cause her.

日本大地震的噩耗传来,两种截然相反的考虑划过交易员们脑海。When great tragedy such as Japan's massive earthquake strikes, traders immediately go bi-polar.

凯利的妻子凯伦,他的孩子,我们的母亲,三个兄妹——他们很难接受这个噩耗。Kelly's wife, Karen, the children, our mother, three brothers and a sister—they took the news hard.

当鲁尼中尉获悉好朋友噩耗的时候,他正在海军接受海豹突击队的训练,因此无法离岗。When Looney heard the news of his friend's death, he was in Navy SEAL training and unable to leave.

翌日,正恒却接到一个噩耗,指天从一家在冰岛公路上发生车祸。The next day, is a constant but received a bad news, that day from a road traffic accident in Iceland.

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那天深夜接到母亲的电话,父亲去世的噩耗传来,这些好像发生在昨天一样。It seems like only yesterday that I received that fateful call in the middle of the night from my mother.

然而,昨天投资者收到警告说摇摇欲坠的银行业还会传出更多噩耗。However, investors were warned yesterday that more bad news from the stricken banking sector was imminent.

大前年的8月3日,那天的天是多么阴沉,一件噩耗犹如晴天霹雳——爷爷去世了。Three years ago on August 3, the day of the day is how dark, a news came as a thunderbolt -- grandpa died.