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咖啡馆式的图书架。The Cafe Shelf.

书架上堆满了书籍。The shelf groans with books.

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我走到书架那里。I went over to the bookshelf.

一本书从书架上掉了下来。A book fell off the bookshelf.

把书放回书架上。Replace the book on the shelf.

他从书架上偷了本书。He stole a book from the shelf.

他还在为我做书架呢。He’s working on my bookshelves.

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这书架有五格。This bookcase has five shelves.

书架上有些什么书?What books are in the bookcase?

书架上有多少本书啊?How many books are on the shelf?

把字典放在书架上。Put the dictionary on the shelf.

你经常打扫书架么?Do you often tidy your bookshelf?

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他把书放回书架上了。He replaced the book on the shelf.

把书放回书架上。Put back the book in the bookshelf.

杷它放回到书架上吧。Put the book back on the bookshelf.

畅销书的书架在哪?Where is the shelf of best-sellers?

他正试图搬动那个书架。He is trying to move the book shelf.

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他把一套积满灰尘的书搬下了书架。He took down a dusty row of volumes.

他从书架上取下几本书。He took several books off the shelf.

我把书架上的书籍整理好。I arranged the books on the shelves.