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他是个样样精通的人。He is a know-it-all man.

她样样工作都干得很出色。She has done remarkable jobs.

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他是一个以为自己样样都懂的人。Smart aleck He is a smart aleck.

样样农活她都拿得起来。She can do every kind of farm work.

背上了那个背囊,如今他就样样俱全了。He was complete now with that knapsack on.

他样样都懂一点,但没一样精通。He is a Jack of all trades, master of none.

在她屋里样样东西都一尘不染。Everything was spotlessly clean in her room.

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你感觉本人们的英国文学课的传授怎样样?。How do you like our English literature rof. ?

穷人要求多,财迷则样样都要。The poor man wants much,the miser everything.

贫平易近要求多,财迷则样样都要。The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

精通一行的人可以养家糊口,样样精通的人却不能养活自己。The master of several trades cannot support himself.

你不能样样胜利,但你可以事事尽力。You can't always win, but you can alwys try your best.

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琴棋书画样样通,但不精。Poetry and painting everything through, but not refined.

包括政治,他几乎样样精通。He excelled at almost everything he did, including politics.

该候选人的选举结果怎样样?。What were the outcoming of the election about the candidate?

让我们去购物吧。到了季末,所有的商店都在大减价,样样东西都非常便宜。Let's go shopping! The department store is having a big sale.

到了季末,所有的商店都在大减价,样样东西都非常便宜。All the stores are having big sales. Everything is dirt cheap.

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跑得快的人不一定样样事情都办得好。The man who runs fast does not necessarily runs everything well.

他是个体育全才,网球、篮球、游泳,样样来得。He's a good all-rounder who likes tennis, basketball, and swimming.

家里样样事好得很。好像没什么人记挂你。Everything at the house is fine and dandy. Nobody seems to miss you.