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染色染得不错。The dye takes well.

这种布很容易染色。This cloth takes dye well.

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我想要把这块布染色。I'd like to have this fabric dyed.

原液染色,永不退色。Fourth, dope dyed, will never fade.

我提供色纱你需要染色吗?I supply dyed yarn do you need dyed ?

方法细胞免疫化学染色。Methods Cell immunochemical staining.

绝大多数染色粒包含一个遗传单位。Most chromomeres contain a genetic unit.

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用于涤纶和锦纶的染色。Dyeing polyester &nylon, or to make inks.

这就是所谓的“清洗和染色”。This is known as "clearing and staining".

核小体是染色质的基本单位。Nucleosome is the basic unit of chromatin.

丽春红染色液的配制。Preparation of the Ponceau's stain liquid.

染色的布洗后通常要掉色。Coloured cloth often fades when it is washed.

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将两种染发剂混合后再给头发染色。Mix the two, then use the combo on your hair.

杨骄傲地指着一座新的染色车间。Yang points proudly to a new dyeing workshop.

我到教堂看染色拼花玻璃窗去了。I went to the church to see the stained glass.

核仁组成区嗜银染色。Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions stain.

埋入骨基质的骨细胞则呈弱阳性染色。Faint staining was also observed in osteocytes.

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染色质甲基化后会出现凝缩。Methylation of chromatin causes it to condense.

扔掉那些破旧的内衣和染色的袜子。Throw out the torn underwear and stained socks.

所有的抹片在染色前必须先进行热固定。All smears must be heat fixed prior to staining.