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她是一本活字典。Shes a walking dictionary.

她是一标活字典。She's a walking dictionary.

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你是活字典。You are a walking dictionary.

他是公认的活字典。He is known as a walking dictionary.

他是所谓的活字典。He is what we call walking dictionary.

总而言之,他是一部活字典。In a word, he is a walking dictionary.

他可说是个活字典。He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

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他可说是一部活字典。He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

他就像一部活字典。He is, as it were , a walking dictionary.

他可以说是个活字典。He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.

她可以说是一部活字典。She is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

他就是人们所谓的一本活字典。He is what is called a walking dictionary.

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他能记住这么多的英文单词,即他是一个活字典。He is, what is called, a living dictionary.

为什么他被称作为一本活字典呢?Why he was known as a walking dictionary it?

约翰逊先生被称作一本活字典。Mr. Johnson was known as a walking dictionary.

他常被亲切地称为活字典。He is often lovingly termed a walking dictionary.

我不知道,问唐娜,她是本活字典。I don't know, Ask Donna. She's walking dictionary.

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史密斯教授堪称活字典。Professor Smith is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

这方面你可以问他。他是活字典。You can ask him about it. He is a walking dictionary.

她知道这么多单词,是部活字典。She knows so many words that she's a walking dictionary.