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这件粗布衬衫刺得我皮肤发痛。This rough shirt prickles my skin.

请她为我做一件粗布衫。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

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海瑞平时只穿粗布衣服。Hai Rui only wore simple and coarse clothes.

他们穿粗呢或粗布。They are clothed in coarse woollen or coarse linen.

一条粗布围腰把那裙子遮去了一半。A coarse linen apron concealed the half of her petticoat.

穿件粗布罩衫,罩衫下是一身旧黑衣裤。He wore a blouse, and under his blouse an old black coat.

另外一个,大块头、苦瓜脸,一身粗布衣裳。The other was a large, sad-faced person, roughly dressed.

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拿走火鸡油、粗布里的干酪饼和铲子。Take turkey baster, cheese wheel covered in cheesecloth and scoop.

塔米莎带了件保暖的粗布牛仔大衣,汤姆的夹克衫却是单衣,连衬里都没有。Tamitha had an insulated denim coat, but Tom's jacket was unlined.

粗布衫或同类织物的衣服流畅性较好,不会紧贴身体。Pieces made from matte jersey and other fabrics flow and don't cling.

请勿用粗布、脏布擦拭,产品带有绒布,可作清洁使用。Only use the flannelette being provided with the product for cleaning.

他身边有一块面包、一件粗布衫、两双袜子和一便士。He had a piece of bread, a rough shirt, two pairs of socks and a penny.

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质朴的粗布麻衣在这里,远远胜过虚张声势的绫罗绸缎。Pristine Cubu Mai here, far better than an empty show of the Ling-satin.

他总是穿着自家坐的粗布衣服和自己衲的千层底的布鞋。He wears rough-home made shoes and clothing. He simply eats right out of the pot.

这时,他看见一个大个子,戴著工人帽,穿著粗布衣服,一步一拐,慢慢地向他走来。Then he saw a big man in a workman's cap and a mackinaw limping slowly toward him.

然而,作为一个童奴,最使我难以忍受的是穿亚麻粗布衬衫。A coarse, light, unevenly woven fabric of cotton or linen, used for towels and curtains.

尽管她穿着粗布衣服,但她把自己想象成身穿漂亮衣服的女士。Although in coarse clothes, she imagined herself to be a lady wearing beautiful garment.

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她去替兵营里的士兵们缝粗布衬衫,每天可以赚十二个苏。She began to make coarse shirts for soldiers of the garrison, and earned twelve sous a day.

我伸出手指,找寻普瑞姆的温暖,但只摸到了盖在床垫上的粗布被套。My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim's warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress.

他和他的朋友穿着各式各样的粗布衣裳,在农场里非常常见的那种。He and his friends wear different colors of the same cheap plaid, a common dress I've seen in the orchards.