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这些菜看起来真诱人。The dishes really look inviting.

柔软的皮肤,红色的嘴唇,诱人亲吻。Soft skin, red lips, so kissable.

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但俄铝也有其诱人之处。But Rusal also has its attractions.

从面包房里飘出了诱人的香味。An enticing smell came from the bakery.

茉莉花散发出一种诱人的芳香。Jasmin gives forth a pleasant fragrance.

那是诱人的铃声!That was a tantalizing tintinnabulation!

醇酒和熟透了的水果是那样诱人。The mellow wine or fruit are so inviting.

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金秋十月,诱人的美食在等着你!In October, enticing food waiting for you!

醇酒和熟透了的水果是这样诱人。The mellow wine and fruit are so inviting.

烤牛肉散发出诱人的香味。The roast beef spread its delicious smell.

冷调、成熟、魅力、诱人。Cold stress, mature, charm, and attractive.

故乡野外的春景是最诱人的。Home field of spring is the most attractive.

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面包店里飘来了诱人的香味。From a bakery comes the scent of fresh bread.

她跳舞时扭动着臀部十分诱人。She swayed her hips sensuously as she danced.

她的滋味像一枚诱人的果实,温暖,刚强。She tasted like fruit, and warmth, and steel.

她跳舞时诱人地摆动着臀部。She swayed her hips seductively as she danced.

本人总爱瞭望那诱人的星空。I always love overlooking the attractive stars.

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北京烤鸭散发出一股诱人的香味。The roast Peking duck exuded a delicious aroma.

发现了一个相当诱人的固定收益投资工具?Got a fixed-income investment that intrigues you?

公共事业公司并不诱人,但他们足够稳重。These companies aren't sexy, but they are steady.