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接着舍监便开始示范。Then supervisor begins to set an example.

整齐、舒适的空间,教官、舍监专人管理。Rooms of tidiness and comfort, supervised by military instructors.

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校长、副校长、全体老师、舍监及社工为当然会员。Principal, Vice Principal, all teachers and house-masters are de facto.

“我相信这是我们大家的见解。”舍监的妻子说,霍尔太太表示同意。"I'm sure it is all our notions, " said the housemaster's wife, and Mrs Hall agreed.

奈妲21岁生日前一晚,舍监修女把她叫进办公室。The night before Naida’s twenty-first birthday, the ward sister called her into the office.

此卡如有遗失,需及时向信用卡公司和舍监报告。It is necessary to report the missing cards to the credit card companies and the dormitory wardens.

有个完整的卫生间,两间卧室区,还在每层都有个舍监室。There will be a complete bathroom and two dorm halls, and 2 bedrooms for adult monitors, one on each floor.

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而再之前,他则是位麻省理工的大学生、图书馆员、助教及宿舍舍监。Before that he was an undergraduate student, a library employee, a Teaching Assistant, and a Resident Advisor at MIT.

舍监,辅导长或教职员推荐,另作特殊情况考虑。Special consideration may be extended to students with recommendation from wardens, Dean of Students or academic staff.

舍监汤姆。康利告诉哈佛学生日报,该男子并不住在大学生宿舍。House Master Tom Conley tells The Harvard Crimson daily student newspaper the man doesn't live in the undergraduate dorm.

有关学生舍监的责任与权利从来没有正式规定过。The duties and privileges appertaining to the post of warden of the students' residence have never been officially stated.

这里阴森肃杀,古板的舍监每天都听一张跳了针的老唱片。Ghastly respectful is killed here, inflexible supervisor listened to a piece to jump everyday the old record of the needle.

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舍监们晚上会在宿舍区值班,而白天学校有值班人员。Boarding staff will supervise the houses during the night while staff will be on duty during the daytime on the school properties.

非本地生如需于关闭期间继续留宿,请于2011年1月21日前以书面通知舍监。Non-local students who wish to stay on during the said period must notify their respective wardens in writing before 21 January 2011.

他到了一所新的寄宿学校,立即得到了一群人的礼遇,包括他的舍监和学校恃强凌弱的人。Taking his place at a new boarding school, he's immediately befriended by a range of unlikely suspects, including his housemaster and the school bully.

我们在燕京大学的生活,紧紧包围在舍监的爱好与信仰范围内,以致我这些年几乎没有受到外界的影响。Our life in Yenching campus was so circumscribed by the scope of Mother's tastes and beliefs that I was exposed to very few outside influences in those years.

小班教学和舍监,辅导老师团队的帮助支持让每位学生备受关注。Small class sizes, dooms and advisor groups facilitate individual attention for all students. Dormitory, classroom, studio and equestrian facilities are outstanding.

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奈妲身穿医院缝制的裙子和舍监买的两件套在等车,那业已发灰的头发上别着一个红蝴蝶结。Dressed in a skirt from the sewing room and a twinset that the matron had bought, and with a red ribbon threaded through her already graying hair, Naida waited for the car.

我捡起被扯掉的翅膀和那只蝴蝶,我在它的翅膀上吐唾沫,试图把它粘回去,这样它就能在舍监回来之前飞走、重获自由。I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on it's wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back.

在学校期间,建议学生要直接对舍监汇报这些问题,以便他们在今后的生活中相互沟通。The students, during the schooling period, are suggested to report these affairs directly to the dormitory wardens so that they can have mutual communications in the later life.