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漆画有绘画和工艺的双重性。Lacquer has the dual nature of painting and craft.

旨在通过此课题的研究揭示凤翔地区家具漆画的丰富内涵。The research reveals the rich connotation. of furniture lacquer painting in Fengxiang region.

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漆画新颖变化的材质使其具有丰富的肌理感,画面效果独特。With novelty changes in material, lacquer-painting expressed well texture and special effect.

漆材料的广泛应用是现代漆画进行创作的物质基础。Extensive use of lacquer material is a material basis of contemporary lacquer painting creation.

漆材质的特性表现了漆画艺术家的文化品格和审美境界。The property of lacquer displays the cultural character and aesthetic state of lacquer painting artist.

考古发掘所得楚漆画,多出自湖北、湖南、河南等地墓葬之中。Most of lacquer paintings of Chu excavated archaeologically from tombs in Hubei, Hunan, Henan and so on.

当时我也同时进行漆画创作,其中“油水分离”的技法启发了我。At that time, I was also practicing lacquer painting, and the water-oil separation technique inspired me.

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材料的运用可以为现代漆画的创作诠释出新的美学价值。Material application may interpret brand-new aesthetic values from contemporary lacquer painting creation.

漆画是综合绘画与漆艺艺术于一体的一个崭新画种。Lacquer painting is integrated with the lacquering integration of the arts in painting a brand-new species.

漆画的特性决定了漆画家要同时具有漆艺和绘画两方面的素质。Painting of the artist decided to paint with lacquer art at the same time and both the quality of painting.

本论文是以乔十光的漆画艺术对中国现代漆画的影响作为研究的主要内容。This thesis is based on Qiaoshiguang lacquer art on the impact of Chinese lacquer painting as the main research.

通过漆画创作,发现漆画具有材料之美、色彩之美、和广阔的包容性。We find the beauty of the material and the color by the invention of lacquer-painting also the wide compatibility.

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漆画是一门以漆为主要媒介材料的艺术形式。Lacquer-painting was a kind of art which take painting to be a major media material, but not only in painting area.

“偶然主义”绘画理论很符合赵岩中国泼漆画的创作内涵。"And occasionally" the theory of painting is in line with China's Zhao Yan, the connotation of throwing creative painting.

本次展览由中国漆画之父乔十光亲自担任策展人,并为展览题词。As the Father of Chinese Lacquer, Qiao Shiguang is this exhibition's curator and has given an inscription for the exhibition.

各种漆画风格共同发展,并在各自领域寻找新的发展空间,形成多种艺术共同发展的局面。With improvements on various styles of lacquer paintings and searches for room developments of different arts has taken shape.

取其精华,使其很好的应用到现代漆画中去,使之符合现代人的审美需要。Takes its essence, causes in it very good application modern lacquer painting, causes it to meet modern people's esthetic need.

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这一时期的石窟壁画、墓室壁画、石刻、砖刻以及漆画等都已蔚然可观。Well known grotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period.

漆画是什么,路在哪里,怎样发展?本文就在回答这些问题而展开论述。What is the lacquer painting, does the road in where, how develop? This article on was replying these questions launch the elaboration.

亚美尼亚有一个国家美术陈列馆,拥有出超过16000副作品,这些作品能够追溯于中世纪,其建筑是由欧洲许多大师所共同漆画的。Armenia has a National Art Gallery with more 16,000 works that date back to the Middle Ages. It houses paintings by many European masters.