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我是一个有心人。I am a man of heart.

总之,好男人是一位有心人。A good man has a heart.

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梦想可成真,只怕有心人。Got your mind set on a dream.

天下无难事,只要有心人。Where there is, as long as caring people.

世上无难事,只怕有心人。”工到功成——偶创造的成语。Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.

世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.

老师告诉我们世上无难事,只怕有心人。The teacher told us that nothing is difficult if we put our hearts into it.

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每一工作岗位都会为有心人提供独一无二的机会。Every job provides unique opportunities for the employee who looks for them.

但不管是真诚还是虚伪,有心人不必在儿这盘根究底。But sincere or insincere, the intentions of persons are not here under question.

希望福荣的故事能令其他有心人多做善事,帮助有需要的人。Hopes the story of Fuk Wing enable people with more good deeds, help people in need.

我的老师帮助我很多,他们告诉我,世上无难事,只怕有心人。My teachers helped me a lot, they told me nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

坊间依然喜欢九龙皇帝的有心人众多,推出这一款设计,希望博得他们会心微笑。Tsang Tsou Choi. Many people greatly admire his work and I hope my design will make them smile.

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所以,我总结了一句话,这句话也可以作为我的人生格言——世上无难事,只怕有心人。So, I sun-up a sentence, this sentence is also my aphorism----Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

但塔卡奇煞费苦心,改用左手重新练习射击——结是工夫不负有心人,他荣获了一枚奥运会奖牌。Takacs painstakingly retrained himself to shoot with his left hand-well enough to win an Olympic medal.

天下无难事只怕有心人,我相信只要尽力有恒心任何事情一定是可以解决的。I believe that nothing is impossible, as long as try your best to do anything the problems can be solved.

云﹕一个从来冇收录过的一个现场板本啦。梅艳芳张国荣的﹐有心人。A live version that has never had recorded in any albums, One of Intention by Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung.

这是有心人对你讲的话,除了要表现他们的大将风度之外,他们更渴望能新欢旧爱,共聚一堂。It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today.

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中国人相信“世上无难事,只怕有心人”。The Chinese people believe there is nothing in the world that cannot be done for those who are really resolved.

海德格尔的死亡沉思今日依旧在召唤有心人去倾听死亡对于我们生活的意义。Today Heidegger's reflection on death still summons conscientious people to ponder over what death means in our life.

然而,要使教学光盘充分发挥功能,教师必须做有心人。However, want to make education CD produces effect adequately, the teacher must do an observant and conscientious person.