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尼古拉斯是海军学校的一名新学员。Nicholas is a new cadet.

还有些学员划船在水上训练。Some cadets went boating.

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学员对课程很受落。The courses were well received.

军校把三名学员除了名。The academy disenrolled three cadets.

但是在新学员当中,并不被鼓励这样做。But recruits are not encouraged to do so.

以下是学员和指导员的特写镜头。Some close-ups of cadets and instructors.

佛教徒国民服务学员排队浴佛。PLKN participator queue up to bath Buddha.

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自我介绍向学员表示欢迎。Self-introduction and give a warm welcome.

全体学员出席控管人。Attendance Coordinator of the Student Body.

学员们和到场嘉宾在开学典礼上合影。Students and guests at the opening ceremony.

每堂写作班的学员不会超过5位。Each class will have no more than 5 students.

而后,陈教授又回答了学员们的提问。Chen answered every question from the students.

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是为公开课学员制作的录像。That'll be videotaped for the extension school.

也有一些刚刚起步的学员。And we have people who are just learning how to.

王二妮和所有学员都到了刑场。Wang Erni and all students to the execution ground.

我们招收的新学员已经满额了。We've taken on our full complement of new trainees.

胡政生的几个学员在相互比划着功夫拳脚。Some of Hu's students demonstrated kung fu routines.

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唐在重庆的气功学习班已招收学员80余人。Tang has enrolled 80 trainees for his Qigong course.

图为美国少林拳法联盟的学员为游客进行表演。US Shaolin Fist Union students perform for tourists.

但是,班里的学员仍然会摔进沙子里。But students in my class still augered into the sand.