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指令集增设局部。The Thumb-2 instruction set extension.

国家快运也增设了额外的长途汽车。National Express laid on extra coaches.

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你觉得需要于本网站增设失物启示版吗?Do you need a "Lost & Found" coner in this site?

你希望增设分店在那区?。Which district do you want to have new branches?

经增设通气孔后,故障被排除。After setting the air hole, the fault is removed.

为战役开始版面增设倒时器。Added a countdown timer to campaign mission start.

他拟订了增设新课程的计划。He chalked out his plan of establishing a new course.

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更换活塞杆,在活塞杆上增设流道。Replace piston rod and add flow passage on piston rod.

采用自来水为空调热源,可增设热回收器。Tap-water is used for the air conditioning heat source.

当时日本奥运会主办国可以增设一项比赛项目,于是日本选择了柔道。The host country could add one sport, and Japan chose judo.

侵占罪是新刑法增设的一个罪名。Appropriation is a newly-added crime by our new criminal law.

北京西站也会增设一个候车厅。Beijing West Station will set up one additional waiting area.

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长话短说,我们决定增设一个新的岗位。To cut a long story short, we`ve decided to create a new post.

电连接器,是在上述温控器的基础上增设接插电极。The electronic linker is set plug based on the above thermostat.

可依客户需求增设气冷式冷却设备。Air pressure type cooling device are optional parts by customers.

1944年春,每个国境守备团开始增设一个训练营。In the spring of 1944, each regiment created a training battalion.

同时东莱银行增设地产部。At the same time Donglai additional real estate banking department.

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在党代会中增设随机性列席代表是改善代表结构的新尝试。It is a new try to add random representatives who attend the congress.

另外增设博物馆,展出九龙寨城的历史及旧貌。There would be a museum to display the history of Kowloon Walled City.

增设一个无损压缩模式很有趣的印前使用。The addition of a lossless compression mode is interesting for prepress use.