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物体移走了It's moved.

在动物体上试验。Testing in Animals.

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物体有灵魂吗?Do objects have souls?

这是一个不明物体。It’s an unknown object.

物体的中心在这里。This is the center of mass.

这个物体运动状态如何What's this particle doing?

物体变换的父级。The parent of the transform.

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物体在平面内运动Particle's moving in a plane.

所有的物体在三维中运动Everything moves around in 3D.

一个物体与弹簧相连A mass is attached to a spring.

它是客观存在的物体,一个实物It's objective. It's an object.

我们再来看看另一个物体Let's look at the other fellow.

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物体想要滑下去。The object wants to slide down.

一个物体无论多么小都有重量。However small, a body has weight.

归并物体到当前场景。Merge objects with current scene.

并非所有的物体都需要三视图。Not all objects need three views.

机器人能捕获该物体。The robot can acquire the object.

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你需要什么来制造这样一个物体?What do you need for that object?

乘火车抵达通风井找到柱状物体。Ride the train to the ventilshaft.

像这样向上拉拽物体。So it's pulling up on this object.