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整个演出憾人心魄。The entire performance was soul-stirring.

你有一双摄人心魄的眼睛。我非常喜欢。You've got dangerous eyes. ? I like that.

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她那摄人心魄的美震惊了观众。Her captive beauty astonished the audience.

他那俊美的双眼里有一种摄人心魄的表情。His handsome eyes had a charming expression.

东部的Sayan有着摄人心魄的风景。The Eastern Sayan has a breathtaking landscape.

身体及心魄的得益亦被详载…The physical and spiritual benefits are also detailed.

有夺人心魄的寂静铃声完美地永存。There was a rapturous ring of silence abiding perfectly.

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眼神摄人心魄,令很多男人神魂颠倒。Her eyes can touch one's soul, which attracts a lot of men.

下面就是一些慑人心魄的照片,能让你灵感有如泉涌。Here is a number of breathtaking photographs to inspire you!

亚里桑那州有很多摄人心魄的名胜。Arizona has plenty of stupendous sights that set the senses afire.

不过,岩壁的恢弘巨大总是更能摄人心魄。However, the size, and grandeur of a cliff is always so captivating.

她的皮肤光滑,摸起来很柔软,身体的下部强劲有力,诱人心魄。Her skin was smooth and soft to the touch, the body beneath it strong and reliable.

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这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.

我只是无法满足,曾答应不再向你索取,然而你的眼睛摄人心魄。I just can't get enough, I said I wouldn't ask for much, But your eyes are dangerous.

关注人的全面发展,“照料人的心魄”乃教育之真义所在。The genuine education should pay close attention to person's all-rounded development.

在这混乱不堪的事故现场旁边却是世界上最夺人心魄的公路风光。The mayhem unfolds on one of the most bewitching stretches of scenery on all the earth.

我几乎不能一直那份冲动,告诉你,你具有一种摄人心魄的魅力。I almost could not resist the temptation to say you have a kind of devastating charm to me.

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她站得离我很近,头发上的香气撩人心魄。She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing.

她站得离我很近,头发上的香气撩人心魄。She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing6.

在本贴里,我们将展示60余幅慑人心魄的红外摄影范例,相信你会灵感泉涌,啧啧称奇。In this post, we present over 60 breathtaking examples of infrared photography to inspire and amaze you.