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菩提是寺院里神圣的钟声么?Bodhi temple is a sacred bell you?

可是一个好的印度教徒是要去寺院的,金妮。But Ginnie, good Hindus go to the temple.

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省内各式各样的寺院。Complex of monasteries in Kotaik province.

这是胡很喜欢去寺院的原因。So that’s why Hu loved going to the temple.

有一天,两个僧人长途跋涉要到一个寺院去。Two monks are on a day-long walk to a temple.

现存寺院48处,僧尼数百人。Existing temple in nuns hundreds of people, 48.

探察杂草丛生的寺院周围地区。Exploring the overgrown purlieus of the temple.

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从振风塔顶层俯瞰寺院。From the top floor tower overlooking the temple.

寺院的墙壁上刻著很多装饰物。Many adornments were carved on the temple walls.

老和尚在寺院中圆寂。The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple.

那个反对她的寺院僧众感到很害怕。The monastery that had opposed her felt really bad.

建造这座大寺院花了三代人的时间。It took three generations to build the great temple.

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在寺院中,他们往往是放置在修道院。In monasteries they are often placed in the cloisters.

古老的寺院内何来这般国色天香?How come there exists such beauty in the ancient temple?

如果佛不在寺院里,那么佛在哪里?If the Buddha is not in the temple, where is the Buddha?

人们还可以在湖的周围看到很多寺院。You can see gompas all around the periphery of the lake.

长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。So Master Sugehara named his temple "The Date Monastery".

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住在寺院里,每日上殿、读书、劳动。In the temple, praying, reading and laboring fill each day.

寺院距离普陀寺有数千里之遥。Their temple was thousand miles away from the Putuo Temple.

不在寺院时,阿克—雷夫就经常寻求暴力。When not in the monastery, Ak-rev would often find violence.