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在过去10年中,白宫每年都举办开斋晚宴。White House iftars have been held annually for the past 10 years.

餐桌的彩色碟盘上摆有各式各样美味的开斋饭。Tables were spread featuring colorful plates of appetizing treats.

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开斋捐是提供给穷人和分给那些不愿开口要施舍的穷人。Zakah provides for the poor and spares them the humiliation of asking for charity.

人们说他们连传统的开斋食物都不能买了,又怎敢奢想开斋节的奢华呢?People say they cannot buy traditional iftar items, how can they think of 'Eid luxuries?

但是作为年轻的罗马尼亚穆斯林,我们的策略是在一些小城市里共享开斋饭。But our own strategy as young Romanian Muslims is to share iftars in some of the small cities as well.

我不认为你所说的这样的家庭应当开斋捐或者天课。I would not consider such a family, as you described, a deserving of Zakat Al-Fitr or of Zakat Al-Mal.

第一天晚些时候,这一幕也会再次上演,因为那是我正在为家人准备开斋饭。The same thing happened again later on that first day as I was preparing the Iftar meal for my family.

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那天他封斋了,那一整天没有一次问起过他是否可以吃些东西,是否可以早点开斋。He fasted that day, the whole day, never once asking if he could eat something, if he could break his fast early.

家庭在清真肉商店购物,为了和家人和朋友一起开斋和礼拜准备斋饭。Families shop at Halal meat stores, prepare Iftar meals to break their fast with family and friends and pray together.

比如,在这个斋月,我们在本国不同地区组织每晚的开斋饭。For example, in this Ramadan, we are organizing evening meals for breaking the daily fast in different places inside the country.

出席开斋晚宴的有9/11穆斯林罹难者家属、警察和消防队员以及美国武装部队的成员。Joining Obama were family members of Muslim September 11 victims, police and firefighters, as well as members of the U.S. armed forces.

埃及人依照传统,聚集各家一起用椰枣和牛奶为周四的第一天封斋及开斋做准备。Egyptians prepared for the first day of fasting, gathering extended families to break fast traditionally on Thursday with dates and milk.

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据报道,当时士兵正在集合开斋,自杀式袭击者选择这个时候发动攻击,试图制造尽可能多的伤亡。According to reports, the soldiers are a collection of Iftar, choose suicide bomber attack at this time, trying to create as many casualties.

开斋捐的意思是减轻穷人的痛苦,培养穆斯林社区中的兄弟手足和团结之情。Zakat Al-Fitr is meant to alleviate the pain of the poor and to cultivate the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslim community.

斋月的所有活动都在跑马场附近举行,这里变成了每天开斋后娱乐项目的竞技场,并且一直持续到凌晨。All Ramadan action takes place around the Hippodrome, which becomes the arena of post-fasting entertainment until the wee hours of the morning.

我们许多人已经准备帮助在大城市里共享开斋饭,比如像康斯坦萨这样有数千名穆斯林居住的大城市。Some of us are already helping in sharing iftars within the big cities where thousands of Muslims are living, cities like Constanta for example.

穆斯林店内开斋,夕阳晚餐,打破在乔克街,传统的开斋在达卡,周日,2009年8月23日孟加拉国市场快。Muslims shop for Iftar, the sunset dinner that breaks the fast at Chalk Bazaar, the traditional Iftar market in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Sunday, Aug. 23, 2009.

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正如我们在这里举办圣诞聚会、逾越节家宴和排灯节庆祝活动的传统一样,在这白宫里我们举办开斋晚宴的传统已经保持了数年之久。Here at the White House, we have a tradition of hosting iftars that goes back several years, just as we host Christmas parties, seders, and Diwali celebrations.

一个贝都因人家庭在享用着传统的开斋饭,在神圣的斋月上结束斋戒,贝尔谢巴附近的贝都因村,以色列南部。Bedouin family enjoys an Iftar meal, a traditional meal to break the fast during the holy month of Ramadan, in a Bedouin village near Beersheba, southern Israel.

准备开斋饭时仅有几瓶矿泉水真让人不好意思,特别是我习已惯了在需要的时候就去水龙头接足够的水。Preparing the Iftar meal with only a couple bottles of mineral water is truly a humbling experience especially when I am used to having a gush of water available any time I need it from the tap.