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当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。That day,he ate his fill.

他美美吃完一顿晚餐。After he finished his dinner.

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她想美美地吃一顿。She feels like a spinod menos.

四月带来报春花美美甜甜。April brings the primrose sweet.

完成工作后我要美美地睡上一觉。I'll sleep up when I finish my work.

嗨,韩美美。很高兴在这儿见到你。Hi, Han Meimei. Good seeing you here.

你穿上它们会美美的。And you'll wear the shoes with pleasure.

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你能帮我挑一件美美的礼服?Could you help me pick up a dressy dress?

将眼罩戴上,美美地睡上一觉。Draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep.

韩美美想要露西见她的父母。Han Meimei wanted Lucy to see her parents.

这是帮郭美美跳舞的第二套服装服装。This is the 2nd outfit for Jocie Guo show.

大地美美地细嚼着未来的丰收。The earth chews the future harvest joyfully.

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然后将眼罩戴上,美美地睡上一觉。Then draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep.

美美的睡了一觉后,我觉得像个新生儿一样。After a sound sleep, I feel like a new born baby.

从今天起,你就是日本野鹅!美美地睡吧。From today you're Japanese geese! Sleep in peace.

如果没能让他醒来,就让他美美地去睡吧。If your baby just won’t wake up just let them sleep.

这对大熊猫是2003年“永明”和“美美”所生。The pair were born to Yong Ming and Mei Mei in 2003.

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昨天美美地睡了一整天,所以现在感觉好多啦!I had a good day-night sleeping, feeling much better.

看着和你的聊天记录,心里美美的,不过你不再是我的。Watch and you chats, was beautiful, but you are not my.

6月24日,红十字会向警方就郭美美报案。The Red Cross reported Ms. Guo to the police on June 24.