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他的眼珠热切地转动着。His eyes goggled with eagerness.

他热切的要开始从事一些工作。He was eager to take up some job.

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我无法抑制自己的热切的心情。I was unable to bate my enthusiasm.

他脸上现出热切的神色。There is an eager look on his face.

他热切地爱着妻子。He is ardently attached to his wife.

热切期待您的莅临指导!Look forward to coming to your guide!

无论如何,他们热切地希望这样。They fervently hoped so, at any rate.

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琼熙热切地望着窗外。Sue looked solicitously out the window.

他热切希望你见见他的朋友。He is eager for you to meet his friends.

我们热切期待着飞机引擎声的出现。We eagerly await the sound of the engines.

他们必将热切的希望键盘支持。They will be keen to have keyboard support.

啊,伟大的来生,啊,你笛声中热切的呼唤!O great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute!

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因此我热切地观察他们的作为。So I eagerly watched to see what they would do.

这种对死亡的热切期盼到底是什么呢?What is this almost eager anticipation of death?

热切希望得到各位老师的支持和批评指正。I sincerely hope to get your support and criticism.

孩子们热切盼望着圣诞老人的到来。The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive.

她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。Her wishful face haunt my dream like the rai at ight.

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总统先生,我热切地盼望走马上任。Mr. President, I’m eager to assume this new position.

噢,是的,我们热切期盼着这门好处多多的婚事。Oh, yes. We fully expect a most advantageous marriage.

两国正享受这热切的和解。The two countries are enjoying earnest reconciliation.