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就在那时,我的视线一下触到了夕照。It was then when I caught sight of the sunset.

最近地铁站是10号线的金台夕照站。Take line 10 to Jintai Xizhao Metro station, Exit D.

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满目青山夕照明。On all sides, verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye.

从厨房窗口的夕照景色。是这星期吗?还是上个星期?Evening light from my kitchen window earlier this week. Or was it last week?

山色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声。With the afterglow mountains Qian Shen, Jiang Liu Shusei day and night change.

小伙子走了,德北菲尔德躺在草地的雏菊中,沐浴着午后的夕照等候着。The lad departed, and Durbeyfield lay waiting on the grass and daisies in the evening sun.

当形单影只地年夜象在夕照余辉中纵情游玩时,你地感受是什么?When the hordes of elephants enjoy playing in the afterglow of sunset, your feelings for that?

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荡舟碧波之上,看雷锋夕照,苏堤春晓,还有留着残雪的断桥。Boating Bibo above to see Lei Feng afterglow, Sudi Chunxiao, as well as snow Retention of the bridge.

当我去时,让我的思惟到你那儿那里来,如那夕照的余光,映在默然沉静沉静的星天的边上。Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the after glow of sunset at the margin of starry silence.

寂寞的黄昏笼罩着整个院子,即将消逝的夕照还留下一片红影。天上几颗忽隐忽现的星星挣扎着要冒出头来。The still twilight, with its dying western red and its few faint struggling stars, rested on the farm-yard.

晚霞夕照与黄河金带的神奇景色,与季节和气候有着很大的关系。Yellow gold with sunset sunset and the magical scenery, with the seasons and climate have a great relationship.

暮色迅速降临,有—两颗星星已经出现了,而西方夕照的余霞依稀可见。Twilight was coming on apace and a star or two was already out, but the remains of the sunset could still be seen in the west.

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淡水夕照,俪影双双。追寻另一半来共画一个圆,仍是大多未婚男女的人生大梦。Couples dallying along the Tamsui at sunset. Finding a spouse and tying the knot is still the dream of most single men and women.

飞凤山海拔423.5公尺,山形轮廓犹如一只敛翼即将降落的凤凰,为芎林境内最高的一座山,清朝年间,即以「飞凤探梅」和「飞凤夕照」享有盛名。Feifong Mountain is 423.5 meters above sea level and is the highest peak in JiouChiunglin. The mountain looks like a landing phoenix.

一个10场景西湖是“雷峰塔在夕照”,但是这是最好看的距离日落之后。One of the 10 Scenes of the West Lake is "Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow", but this is best viewed from a distance just after sunset.

皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。In the mean time, District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba.

迷人的傍晚,金色的夕照,如果此时哥在科莫湖的假日酒店那铺洒着余辉的露台上,我会欣然同意审阅这篇文章。I agreed to review this Ms whilst answering emails in the golden glow of a balmy evening on the terrace of our holiday hotel on Lake Como.

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如本刊“特别推荐”栏上发表的经典诗人的经典作品,有许多已转为“夕照诗丛”中的“短诗选”。For example, many classics as special recommendations in the Quarterly have been published as the offprint within The Afterglow Poetry Series.

现在,在春秋季节,细雨之后,空气清新,尤其是在晨抵或夕照时,“佛山倒影”的胜景尤为可观可叹。The best time to enjoy the reflection is spring and autumn when it has just stopped raining and the air is fresh, especially at dawn or twilight.

他还没有走到修筑防御工事的地方,他就在那阴沉沉的秋日的夕照中看见向他迎面走来的几个骑马的人。Before he reached the earthworks that were being thrown up, he saw in the evening light of the dull autumn day men on horseback crossing towards him.