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这是人造革的吗?Is it made of leatheroid?

不,人造革的。No. It's artificial leather.

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它是人造革制的。It's made of artificial leather.

这人穿著一件人造革皮夹克。The man was wearing an imitation leather jacket.

鼓式硫式化机也用在人造革生产中。S-type of drum machines are also used in leather production.

以及在电缆、人造革行业的应用情况。As well as in cable, the application of artificial leather industries.

用途本机可用于人造革、布料等的印刷、改色、涂布、烫金等处理。Printing, colour changing, laminating, bronzing for PU, PVC, or Fabric.

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本机适用于人造革、输送带业、PVC塑胶、油墨、粘胶剂、涂料等行业。The machine is suitable foe leather belt, PVC, plastic, ink, adhesives, paint, etc.

广泛适用于各种皮革、人造革、橡皮等材质的边缘削薄及平面削薄。It is widely available in skiving all kinds of leather, synthetic leather, rubber, etc.

广州市永进塑料有限公司是一家专业的PVC人造革生产厂家。The corporation is specialized in producing all kinds of high quality PVC sponge leather.

中试产品经用户使用,能够满足人造革基布的生产要求。The products by pilot-plant test could meet the demand for artificial leather base fabric.

海绵或泡沫塑料及人造革或布制外套可以自由取下。An outer case made up of sponge or foam plastics, and synthetic leather or cloth can be freely removed.

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桌子也是用OSB板制造的,上面覆盖人造革,以满足绘画等需要。Desks, also made of OSB, are covered with artificial leather to make sketching and drawing more comfortable.

目前充斥市场的带轮的人造革椅,对于现代家居来讲就太粗糙了。Flood the market at present the leatheroid chair of belt annulus, will tell to contemporary household too coarse.

给他买一个人造革ipad包包吧,还能向后折叠,充当一个摆放架。Then it's time to buy him this beautiful faux-leather case. It even folds over the back so he can use it as a stand.

这辆天蓝色外壳,暗红色人造革内饰的小汽车是由生产AK47自动步枪的同一家工厂生产的,这种型号的汽车已经于1976年停产了。Made in the same Russian factory as AK-47s before production stopped in 1976, the Moskvitch is truly the people’s car.

老影星在人造革沙发对面的墙上斜看着电视机,一架子的录影带,和一张轻便小桌摆着几张椅子和一张轻便小桌摆着几条椅子。Old movie stars stared out over a leatherette couch, a television, a rack of videocassettes, a card table with a few chairs.

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相应的辅机与塑料压延机配套使用,可连续生产聚氯乙烯薄膜、薄片、人造革和拉伸拉幅膜等。They are coupled with plastics calender for continuously producing PVC file, sheet, leatherette and film biaxial drawing etc.

本系列高速平缝机械是单针对线锁式线迹平缝机,适用于缝制各种人造革、皮革、帆布、牛仔布等中厚缝料。This machine is flat-bed sewing operation by single needle and it is suitable for all kinds of leather, synthetic leather, canvas.

他跪在地上抱起那书来,一面用袖子擦着那书的人造革面,一面小声地朝那老者道歉。Kneeling on the ground, he scooped it up, dusting its leatherette binding with his sleeve while murmuring an apology to the librarian.