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小丽在一家宾馆专门负责迎送客人。Xiaoli is responsible for receiving customers at a hotel.

当然,老人们只迎送自己家祖先的鬼魂。Of course, the old people only welcome and send off the ghost of his family ancestors.

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邻居们每次来来去去,都得要我来迎送,我可没有这种功夫。I will not spend my hours in running after my neighbours every time they go away and come back again.

到了霸上和棘门的军营,长驱直入,将军及其属下都骑着马迎送。To bully and spines door's camp, however, general and its subordinate to send all of them on horseback.

一年一度的城隍诞辰之日,百姓们跪在自己家的门口,虔诚地迎送着城隍爷。Every year on the birthday of the town god. folks kneel by the gates of their houses to meet and see off deity.

各地督抚迎送,皇帝亲自接见,并赐以筵宴、赏赐较高品级的顶戴和朝服。In Beijing, the emperors receive them in person and reward them feast and high-ranking Dingdai and court dress.

清贫与寂寞,鲜花与赞美,都淡然迎送,心灵坦荡,如无际的原野。The poor and lonely, flowers and praise, are indifferent protocol, magnanimous mind, such as the boundless wilderness.

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光阴荏苒,夫妻面馆北海亭在不断迎送食客的百忙中,又迎来了一个除夕之夜。Time passes very quickly. The couple, noodle Beihai Pavilion in constant entertaining diners busy, ushered in a new year's eve.

中国藏族和部分蒙古族在迎送、馈赠、敬神和日常交往礼节中奉献的丝巾。Chinese Tibetan and Mongolian part in the protocol, gift, courtesy of worship contributing to the day-to-day contacts and scarf.

皇帝骑马游览了维尔纳城,心里觉得挺愉快,这个城的人群异常高兴地迎送皇帝。The Emperor was in excellent spirits after his ride about Vilna, greeted and followed with acclamations by crowds of the inhabitants.

根据历届举办奥运会的经验,迎送服务在服务系统中关联度高、影响度大。Based on experiences of all the previous Olympic Games, the welcoming and seeing-off service has close correlation with the whole service system.

就是“围墙大门”的开放,那是一道闩杠累累、吓得坏人的铁板门,只是在迎送大主教时才开放。It was the opening of the door of seclusion, a frightful sheet of iron bristling with bolts which only turned on its hinges in the presence of the archbishop.

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埃及总统穆巴拉克亲自出面邀请并会晤,肯尼亚总统莫伊亲临机场迎送并主持会谈。Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak extended an invitation and held a meeting with Zhu. Kenya President Moi went to the airport to welcome and see off Zhu and hosted the talks.

他们主要负责大运会期间在机场迎送外宾,为各个代表团和其他贵宾做陪同翻译等。They were responsible for receiving visitors at Beijing Aerodrome and for providing translation and interpretation services for the delegations and guests of the Universiade.

运用系统的方法,建立迎送服务质量管理体系的过程模式并提出过程要求,为奥运会迎送服务质量的有效管理提供途径。Through the systemic method, a new process mode on quality management system of welcoming and seeing-off service is established and the guideline of the process is put forward.

以清政府为中心的东方文化圈与西方列强及日本为代表的西方文化,在朝鲜半岛迎送相撞。The Eastern cultural circle, which centered on Qing Dynasty Government, and the Western cultural, which was represented by Western powers and Japan, clashed on Korean Peninsula.