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驻冲绳的军机也参与了此次救援行动。Aircraft based on Okinawa also took part in the relief operation.

军机的火力配置还有尼贝尔霍夫多管火箭发射器。Corps-level firepower was provided by Nebelwerfer multiple rocket launchers.

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乌国总统库契马已经下令禁止使用军机从事任何表演活动。Ukraine President Kuchma had ordered a ban on any air flight show by military planes.

另有部分我侨民搭乘澳军机或商业航班离所抵澳。A number of Chinese have taken Australia's military or commercial flight to Australia.

高速数据总线是先进军机航空电子综合化的关键支撑技术。High speed data bus is the key technology in avionics integration for advanced fighters.

按国家电视台的说法,军机目的地为设于希腊克利特岛的一处美军基地。Saying by state television, aircraft destined for Greece, Crete at a U. S. military base.

红旗-阿拉斯加军演是多军机参与复杂任务的大型合同演习。Red Flag-Alaska is a large coalition exercise that involves many aircraft in complex missions.

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空军雷虎特技小组军机飞越台北忠烈祠上空,表达向革命先烈的敬意与追思。Thunder Tiger Aerobatic Team fly over to honor National Martyrs in the 100th anniversary of ROC.

美联社报道,这3架卡塔尔军机准备前往利比亚禁飞区执行任务。The Associated Press reported that three aircraft ready to go to Libya, Qatar, no-fly zone mission.

星期四,利比亚军机向重要油港布雷加发动袭击。On Thursday, Libyan warplanes launched strikes against the rebel-held city of Brega, a key oil port.

中国似乎正设计一种挂在大型军机起落架上的太空飞船运载火箭。China appears to be designing a spacecraft-launcher that attaches to the undercarriage of a large warplane.

今天我们要造访基辅航空馆,在那里有着众多的军机陈列品。Today we’re going to visit the Museum of Aviation in Kiev where specimen of military aircraft are presented.

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军机易损性评估至为关键的因素之一是可靠的确定评估指标的安全度值。It is of great importance to confirm precisely the safety degree value of the airplane vulnerability indexes.

阿依达在此时询问拉达梅斯如何躲开埃及军队进攻的路线,拉达梅斯不自觉地吐露了军机。Aida asks him about his army's route, and just as he reveals the secret, Amonasro emerges from his hiding place.

此后,北约军机与反对派地面部队协同作战,成了反对派事实上的空军。After that, NATO warplanes served as the rebels' de facto air force, coordinating with rebel units on the ground.

他们称美军机今天动用两枚精确制导炸弹对伊拉克北部城市的一可疑民兵据点进行轰炸。Officials say jets today dropped two precision-guided bombs on a suspected militia stronghold north of the Iraqi city.

歼20由中国自主设计和制造,是该国第一种隐形战机,也是解放军最先进的军机。The J20, designed and built in China, is the country's first stealth fighter and the PLA's most advanced military jet.

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此外,中国派出一艘战舰四架军机从利比亚撤侨,是尚属史上首次。Moreover, for the first time China dispatched a warship and four military aircraft to evacuate Chinese citizens from Libya.

除了串列设计的教练机和军机L-3,公司的所有飞机共享的一个特性是采用了3跟机身纵梁设计。One design trait shared by all Aeronca designs, except the Tandem Trainer and military L-3's, was a three longeron fuselage.

机上乘客来自法国和科摩罗,目前法国已派出两架军机和一艘船进行搜救。Two French military planes and a French ship are searching for the aircraft that was carrying nationals from France and Comoros.