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北京国安是冠军!!!We are the Champion!

冠军舍我其谁!We are the champion.

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小智对冠军·阿戴克!Ash Versus the Champion!

他荣获1973年冠军称号。He won the crown in1973.

我就是世界冠军!I am the world champion!

他赢得400米赛跑冠军。He won the 400-metre race.

她于一九九○年获得“冠军”称号。She won the crown in 1990.

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中国女子排球队在哪届奥运会上获得冠军?Team win the championship?

广州队,我们是冠军!Canton, we're the champion!

这位是得过很多次冠军的骑师。He is a many-time champion.

他渴望得冠军。He ached to be the champion.

这个方案仍然是冠军。Still looks like the winner.

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墨西哥赢得了U17世界冠军!Mexico is U17 World Champion!

他十岁时成了一名游泳冠军。He became a at the age of ten.

米兰是支冠军球队。Milan are a team of champions.

冠军之路铺满荆棘。The way to champion is knotty.

我们有能力获得冠军。We could win the championship.

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这是他首次获得温网冠军。It's his first Wimbledon title.

OMC世界超级冠军是的!OMC World Supreme Champion YES!

谁是个人项目的冠军?Who was the individual champion?