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我喜欢全日工的工作。I'd like to have a full-time job.

农场主雇佣了好几个日工。The farmer hired several day labourers.

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全体职工分为非全日工制和全日制工作人员。The personnel are separated into part-timer and full-time staff.

经常因为象对日工这样的事的反映而变得紧张。Tensions may develop, often in reaction to an issue like day laborers.

如果合同中没有计日工报表,则本款不适用。Schedule is not included in the Contract, this Sub-Clause shall not apply.

每位工读生每日工读时数不得超过7小时,每周不得超过48小时。The hours of working shall not exceed 7 hours per day and 48 hours per week.

介绍三峡工程建设中一些计日工的使用和计量方法,可供同行参考。Here, the method for measuring the daily wages of different jobs in TGP is described.

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如果合同中没有计日工报表,则本款不适用。If a Daywork Schedule is not included in the Contract, this Sub -Clause shall not apply.

不久,由一个汽车零件厂的临时工变成全日工。Gibson went with the flow, and before long, a temporary job turned to a full-time one in the auto-parts plant.

对于数量少或偶然进行的零散工作,工程师可以指示规定在计日工的基础上实施任何变更。For work of a minor or incidental nature, the Engineer may instruct that a Variation shall be executed on a daywork basis.

阻止垃圾信息散布者,甚至暂时不便垃圾信息散布者,不仅会但将花费日工发送垃圾邮件的时间和金钱。Stopping a spammer, even temporarily, not only will inconvenience the spammer, but will cost the peon sending spam time and money.

对于此类工作应按合同中包括的计日工报表中的规定进行估价,并采用下述程序。The work shall then be valued in accordance with the Daywork Schedule included in the Contract, and the following procedure shall apply.

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劳动节是自1880年起从美国确立的一个全球公认的著名的年假和确定日工时8小时。Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world that began in 1880s in United States, with the fight for an 8-hour work day.

分配员工工作,及检查工作质量达至安全及核实每日工单及报修完成情况。To assign tasks for engineering associate to finish and spot check all work orders to ensure that they are executed in the most practical, skillful, safe and economical manner.