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地段上郁郁葱葱的绿化区让您享受。Lots lush green areas for you to enjoy.

他们有凝固汽油弹好听的名字,该地段。They have lots of fancy names for that napalm.

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是长安区名副其实的黄金地段。It really is a gold section of Chang'an District.

紫禁城坐落于北京的中心地段。The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing.

位于山沟地段在着名的约书亚河。Located On Ravine Lot In Prestigious Joshua Creek.

这些庇护所当中,有一家设在英国首都伦敦的中心地段。One of them is in the heart of the British capital.

今天,大明宫地段正面临着一个崭新的时代。Now, the site of the Daming Palace is facing a new era.

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黄金地段黄金市口,业主往往要价很高。Gold section head of gold, the owner often high in cost.

建设将分批进行,被列入第一批工程的地段,将于近期启动。Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups.

其实那条河,有些地段真叫人恶心,好多桥也是。And part of the river's ugly and many of the bridges are.

避免过于拥挤的中心地段以降低压力,在税收上节省。Avoid overcrowded hubs to lower stress and save on taxes.

我们可以采取滨江地段的价格是成本相对较高。We may take the Riverside Lot price is relatively high cost.

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图尼奇选择的拍摄地——宪法广场,曾经是墨西哥古代的阿兹台克王朝的中心地段。Zocalo Square is the heart of Mexico's ancient Aztec empire.

在卡迪根湾的另一狭长地段的尾端是巴德西岛。At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.

学校位置地段适中,仅需10钟路程即可到达海边和市中心。It's perfectly located-10 minutes from the beach and the city.

一个巨大的天坑导致24号州际公路长达17英里的地段被关闭。A giant sinkhole has closed a 17-mile stretch of Interstate 24.

合理开发区是生态旅游开发的首选地段。The first subzone was first choice to ? ecotourism development.

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他在好莱坞星光大道上靠近葡萄藤街1559号的地段有一颗星星。He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1559 Vine Street.

这幢房子位于中心地段,离商店比较近。The house is in a central location with good access to the shops.

汽车顺利地通过了山区那危险地段。The car passed the dangerous section in the mountain successfully.