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她口才很好。She's eloquent.

他是故事大王,天生的好口才。He was born to chat.

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他是位口才很好的演说家。He was a silver-tongued orator.

他天生具有罕见的口才。He is gifted with rare eloquence.

后来非得把我送到学校门口才走。She must see me off at the gates.

没人能敌得过他的口才。No one can rival him in eloquence.

可能是你的口才好,对不对?May be your eloquence and good, right?

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他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。The subject of his sermon was charity.

我很想知道怎样才能有好口才。I want to know how to have the gift of gab.

马克高大、口才好又很有礼貌。Mark was tall, eloquent, and had fine manners.

史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。Stevenson was eloquent and elegant——but soft.

他雄辩的口才吸引住听众。He carried his audience along with his eloquence.

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他的好口才为他赢得了选民的青睐。His eloquent speech has won him the favor of the.

他是一个很有魅力、好口才的家伙。He's certainly a charismatic fellow and well-spoken.

好在她口才好,只要几句话就把事情解释清楚了。A few sentences should be enough to clear the matter.

她被他简洁、富有鼓动性的口才迷住了。She was struck by his simple, spellbinding eloquence.

听众被讲演者的口才所吸引。The audience was drawn to the speaker by his eloquence.

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他不仅领导有方,而且口才出众。He is not only a good leader, but also an eloquent speaker.

他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator.

口才好、文采好是最没有竞争力的。Eloquence is good, stylish writing is the least competitive.