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我们的队伍壮大了。Our ranks have swelled.

来吧,壮大力量。Come, strengthen the power.

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只有当你留在原地,根基才有可能壮大。Only when you stay put can you grow roots.

公司成立于1999年,续步发展壮大。Company was founded in 1999, step development.

几个月内,队伍壮大了十倍。In a few months the army had multiplied ten times.

网络教育会壮大,但会盈利吗?Webucation will be big, but will it be profitable?

但随着时间的推移,抵抗力量逐渐壮大。But as time passed, resistance forces grew stronger.

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记住,在你的公司壮大之前,你必须把眼光放远些。Remember, before you get big, you have to think big.

训练伊拉克安全部队,现在这支队伍已经壮大到66万。Training Iraq's security forces, now 660,000 strong.

中国只是落后我们五年,何况人家还正在壮大。China is still five years behind us, but it’s gaining.

在用户的手中,自由软件逐渐发展壮大。Free software develops under the control of its users.

我们想要一个不断壮大的用户和贡献者社区。To have a growing community of users and contributors.

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那就是退休领导人的群体不断壮大。It is that the cohort of retired leaders is burgeoning.

她花了十年时间将她的出版事业发展壮大。It took her ten years to build up her publishing business.

癣是也更有可能发展壮大,在温暖潮湿的地区。Ringworm is also more likely to thrive in warm damp areas.

在英国,一个类似的思想流派正在发展壮大。A similar school of thought is gaining strength in Britain.

我们无疑希望看到航天工业的就业队伍壮大。Clearly, we would like to see the aerospace workforce grow.

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我们很强大,跟我们在一起,可以更壮大声势。We're strong, we're big, and together we are even stronger.

我想强调的是新的阿克苏诺贝尔意味着壮大。I want to emphasize that the new Akzo Nobel is about growth.

各国的进步力量都日益壮大。The progressive forces in all lands are growing in strength.