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本文介绍的是中国古文字。This article is from Wikipedia.

由于各方面的原因,布依族古文字的调查研究还很薄弱。For reasons, it is weak to research ancient Buyi characters.

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魔多的古文字我实在不愿在这里读出来!The Ianguage is that of Mordor, which I wiII not utter here.

水书是水族古文字、水族书籍汉译的通称,具有惟一性、丰富性、古老性。Shuishu is a general name for Shui Minoritys ancient characters and books.

三位教授都是多年研究古文字学的业界元老。All the three professors have been immerged in the study of paleography for years.

这些不能不说是古文字研究尤其是战国文字研究的遗憾和缺失。It is really regret in the research on Paleography, especially on Zhan Guo wordage.

布依族中流行着几种古文字类型。There are several types of ancient characters which are popular in Buyi nationality.

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古文字在古代文明发展中具有不可替代的重要作用。The role played by ancient script is irreplaceable in the development of ancient civilization.

它们都是自源文字,且分别处于汉古文字系统和楔形文字系统发展的早期阶段。They are self-derived writing, and respectively have an initial periods of writing development.

本文拟在结合传世文献、古文字等材料的基础上,对周王室与诸侯国关系的演变进行探讨。The relation between Zhou imperial court and kingdoms ruled by ducks and princes is complicated.

这次讲座,贯通了古文字学和建筑学的关系,打开了新的设计思路。This lecture linked up paleography with architecture and, brought forward a new perspective for design.

彝文是中国民族古文字中较为古老的文字之一。The written language of Yi People is one of the most ancient one among Chinese ancient written languages.

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尤其是古文字专家裘锡圭教授,他对于蔡伟的才华大为赞赏。In particular Professor Qiu Xigui, the ancient Chinese language expert, really appreciated Cai Wei`s talent.

烧陶工艺的发明和古文字的产生几乎是不约而同的。The invention of baked earthenware craft and the creation of ancient Chinese Characters were almost simultaneous.

古文字学是关于古文字及用古文字来记录的文献资料的学问。Chinese paleography studies the ancient writing and the literature material which is recorded with the ancient writing.

中国现代古文字学家、考古学家陈邦怀先生在20世纪20年代曾与王国维先生有过较为密切的交往。Mr. Chen Banghuai, philologist and archaeologist in modern China, had a very close contact with Mr. Wang Guowei in 1920s.

古文字专家一致认为,中国古文字滥觞的年代还应该再上溯2500。It is now agreed among scholars of ancient scripts that the origin of China's writing system should be pushed back another 2500.

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附录部分由郭沫若古文字整理方法的统计分析和郭沫若古文字整理年鉴组成。Appendix is the last part, it includes Statistical Analysis of Guo's methods, The year book of Guo Moruo study ancient character.

古文字研究是一项进度非常快的工作,尤其是随着新的文稿的发掘,新的研究成功会不断发布——欣慰的是,这样的情况时常发生。Further progress is possible for mostof them, especially if new inscriptions are discovered, whichfortunately happens fairly often.

“教”字的古音和古文字形透露出有关中国古代传统教育的某些重要信息。Some important information of Chinese ancient traditional education can be seen from the ancient tone and ancient font style of "Jiao".