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他说起话来总是笑吟吟的。He always smiles when he speaks.

我笑吟吟的望着他。他继续讲。And I'm going to say something, seriously.

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菲郦尐姐笑吟吟哋怼机噐老师说。Feili Miss Xiaojinjin machine on the teacher said.

这次,她看到祖母笑吟吟地向她走来。This time, she saw my grandmother cheerfully toward her.

“我看你可以自由发问,”医生笑吟吟地说。I think you may take that liberty , the Doctor answered, smiling.

柜台后面有个高高瘦瘦的男人在笑吟吟地招呼顾客。Behind the counter a tall, thin man was cheerfully greeting customers.

嘉丁纳太太笑吟吟地对她外甥女儿看了一眼,可是伊丽莎白实在笑不出来。Mrs. Gardiner looked at her niece with a smile, but Elizabeth could not return it.

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她只是笑吟吟地站起身来,将蚊香盘踢到桌子底下”。She just stands up laughing, kicking the mosquito-incense holder back under the table.

“喜欢他!”母亲笑吟吟地答道。“我心里一满意,少不了要喜爱他。”"Like him! " replied her mother with a smile. "I feel no sentiment of approbation inferior to love. "

我儿子们还小的时候,每次我笑吟吟地想去和他们沟通都是被他们用一两个年轻人的词汇回绝。When my sons were young teens, many of my cheery attempts to communicate with them were rebuffed by the very limited teen vocabulary.

之后的夜晚,在你说了一些傲慢并风趣的事情之后,她就会笑吟吟的对着你,而你却很平常。Later in the night she might be beaming at you after you've said something arrogant and playful, and you deadpan with a serious face "You love me."