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萨克岛是根西岛的属地。Sark is a dependency of Guernscy.

在903年被组建为一属地。It was organized as a territory in 903.

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美国属地金融机构。完成第十七部份。Nonfinancial group entity. Complete Part XVIII.

阿拉斯加和夏威夷过去是美国的属地。Alaska and Hawaii were dependencies of the United States.

属地的力在活动的时候,属天的力不能工作。Spiritual forces cannot work while earthly forces are active.

安地卡,西印度英属地,奴隶贩卖,蔗园。Antigua, British Colonies in West Indies, Slave Trade, Sugar Plantations.

因此他派了一些强盗去抢劫贝拿勒斯属地边界上的一个偏远小村落。So he sent some robbers to raid a remote border village belonging to Benares.

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这并非纯属巧合,而是圣灵的引领,让属天与属地的两大势力对决。The Holy Spirit led Him into this face-off between the powers of heaven and hell.

知识产权地域性不等同于严格属地主义。Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism.

1463年后成为土耳其属地,1908年被奥匈帝国占领。In 1463 became Turkey's possessions in 1908 by the Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied.

在美国与美国属地之间的旅行,不受新法律的影响。Travel between the United States and its territories is not affected by the new law.

第二部分,分析开发区管委会与属地政府之间的一般关系形态。Secondly, analysis of the normal relationship between DCMA and territorial government.

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戴赛的“既得权说”以属地原则为基础。Dicey's theory of vested or acquired rights is based on the principle of territoriality.

仅有手掌大小的牟氏水龟是美国国内最小的龟种,现多生存于私属地上。The palm-size bog turtle, smallest in the country, now survives mostly on private lands.

实行属地治理、单位负责、居民自治、社区服务模式。Execute apanage management, unit autonomy of responsible, dweller, community serves mode.

所以我要去诺福克监狱属地,先只是通过我的阅读申请提议。So I had come to the Norfolk Prison Colony still going through only book-reading motions.

两者为整合或假整合接触,均属地台型沉积。Both display conformable or disconformable contacts and belong to platform-type sediments.

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及时研究部署安全生产工作,严格落实属地监管责任。Timely deployment of work safety, strict implementation of territorial regulatory responsibility.

在靛蓝,首先我们必须前进,在不同层次,第二,我们用这种方法转移问题后,属地的分类物体。In Indigo, first we have lookahead at different levels and second we use an approach that shift the.

随后,记者通过查询发现,其电话号码的属地为广州。Subsequently, the reporter passes inquiry discovery, the apanage of its telephone number is Guangzhou.