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她在一所州立大学任教。She teaches in a state university.

现在弗吉尼亚大学任教授。He is teaching at University of Virginia.

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1939年任教于肇庆第七中学。Zhaoqing 7th 1939, taught at secondary school.

克里斯托夫·包定在北京大学任教。Christopher Balding teaches at Peking University.

黄金广场曾任教的作曲家乔治格什温。Goldmark had taught the composer George Gershwin.

他曾在乡村小学任教。He once was employed as a country school-teacher.

已在耶鲁任教十年。I've been teaching here at Yale for ten years now.

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我们欢迎外籍教师张大伟先生来校任教。We would like to welcome David West to our school.

旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。Er professor, Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College.

大学本科,毕业后曾在沈阳财经学校任教。College after graduation in Shenyang Finance schools.

曾留校任教英语、数学和橄榄球。He had stayed there to teach English and mathematics.

巴格里奥尼教授任教于大学医学院。Professor Baglioni taught medicine at the university.

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她在阿什兰外围一个小社区的学校里任教。She taught school in a small community outside Ashland.

然而,卡弗在衣阿华州立学院任教的时间并不长。Carver did not stay long at Iowa State College, however.

我是一位历史学家,在美国一所大学任教。I am a historian, and I teach in an American university.

现任教于美国华盛顿大学。Guofu zhou is Associate Professor, Washington University.

美国教育专家任教,长期住在中国。U. S. education experts to teach long-term stay in China.

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爱德华兹先生在一所医疗学院任教员。Mr. Edwards worked as an instructor in a medical institute.

我们在伊朗库尔德斯坦一个镇上的同一所学校任教。We taught in the same school in a town in Iranian Kurdistan.

布朗在圣伯纳蒂诺加利福尼亚州大学任教。Brown teaches at California State University, San Bernardino.