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他囫囵吞下一碗面条。He bolted down a bowl of noodles.

这只猴子囫囵吞下食物。The monkey engulfed the food whole.

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慢慢吃,别囫囵吞吃食物。Eat slowly and don't bolt your food.

你简直是把冰淇淋囫囵吞下去。Wow, you certainy devoured the ice cream.

有些书只需浅尝辄止,有些书该囫囵吞食。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.

爱似糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受刹那甜蜜的错觉。Love like sugar, I bolt, enjoy the moment sweet illusion.

爱似糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受刹那甜蜜的错觉。Love like sugar, I bolted to swallow and enjoy the moment sweet illusion.

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我们好象阴间,把他们活活吞下,他们如同下坑的人,被我们囫囵吞了。Like Sheol let us swallow them alive and whole, like those who go down to the Pit.

这种抚摸说明你的同伴是在囫囵的打扮自己。That kind of touching can signify that your date is grooving in your general direction.

他脑袋和肩膀一缩,前脚一伸,把酒囫囵吞下肚。He ducked with his head and shoulders, scraped with more advanced hoof, bolted the alcohol.

有些书浅尝即可,有些书可囫囵吞下,少数书是要细细品味的。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

先说这北京三怪之一的“羊四样”,这羊四样吃的时候讲究的是囫囵吞咽。Let's come to the "Four kinds of mutton", which is one of the three unusual snacks in Beijing.

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不一会,那狼抓起了小鸭子,把它抛上半空,然后囫囵地把它吞到肚子里去了。Moments later the wolf snatches up duck , tosses her high into the air and swallows her in a single gulp.

简而言之,这些人不仅仅会把很多成功格言囫囵吞入,而且会认为它们是绝对的。In short, these are people who not only swallow many of the maxims for success but take them as absolutes.

对付大型的苍蝇,牠会从颈部下口,然后再从头部把苍蝇囫囵吞下。Big flies are first killed with strong bites to their neck. Then the gladiators devour the flies headfirst.

家遥不可及,在一个很远的地方,把我送回去的一切都囫囵吞下,无知而快乐,永远不会满足。Home was far away, a distant place that gobbled up whatever I sent back, ignorant and happy but touchingly hungry to know.

因而,当他开始讲课时,吃起来就象需要数小时预备的一顿饭,只用了15分钟就囫囵做出来了。Thus, when he gets up to teach, it takes like a meal that, needing hours of preparation, was thrown together in 15 minutes.

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另一方面,在抗议阶段,大脑的某种机制也许会囫囵地加入到这种吸引力的挫败中-抗压系统。And another brain mechanism* kick in during the protest phase that could add to this frustration attraction- the stress system.

那人把水拿给他,他急切地喝了,之后又从那人手里成块成块地囫囵吞吃了许多生肉。When the man brought him water, he drank eagerly, and later bolted a generous meal of raw meat, chuck by chunk, from the man's hand.

不过双方的谈判还处于早期阶段,而且尚不清楚这笔交易的目的是要将徐福记囫囵吞下,还是仅仅收购其部分股权。Discussions are in the early stages and it's unclear whether the deal would include acquisition of the entire company or a share of it.