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已为新学校选了校址。A site has been chosen for the new school.

城市设计工程师用木桩标出了新学校校址。The city engineer staked the new school site.

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这块场地已被选作新学校的校址。This site has been chosen for the new school.

培群在大巴窑校址举行新校舍落成典礼。Official Opening of the new school at Toa Payoh.

新校的校址已经立桩标明。The site for the new school has been staked out.

关于新学校的校址,引起了争论。There was a controversy about the location of the new school.

校址好像太偏僻些,可是不失为一个机会。The school seems a little remote, but it's still a good opportunity.

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他们不知道通过什么关系,在观音寺找了一处校址。Not known how but they've managed to procure a property to host the school.

水道镇中心小学位于水道镇东南原牟平二中校址。Water Dao Town center elementary school located at water Dao Town east Namwon Muping two sites.

很多学生考虑到我们的规模、校址、声誉、当然还有气候而决定申请XX大学。Many students decide to apply to XX based on our size, location, reputation, and yes, the weather.

校址问题,既然延安窑洞都可以办,为什么我们不能搭起帐篷来办呢?或者用简陋一点的房子来办呢?If schools could be run in the cave dwellings of Yan'an, why can't we now use tents or simple houses?

不久,一中将会摆脱旧的束缚,迁向一个面积更大、设备更加先进的新校址。Soon the school will break from the past and move to a new location with larger, and newer, facilities.

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学校校址位于闻名遐迩的革命圣地南湖之畔——浙江省嘉兴市。It is located on South Lake – a famous and sacred place of the Revolution in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province.

2000年学校搬迁到了新校址,坐落在南汇区周浦镇繁荣路188号,交通便捷。In the year 2000 it was moved to a new and more convenient location----188 Fangrong Road, Zhoupu, Nanhui District.

新校址地域开阔,环境幽雅院落静谧,是读书学习的好地方,办学条件得到了明显改善。New regional open location, elegant environment yard quiet, is reading and study good place, managerial condition improved.

城市土地规划的制约使得大学的新校址多数选择在城市边缘地带。But the urban land-use planning constraints make the universities' new campuses are mostly located in the fringes of cities.

正是这一点让艾米丽立志与学校并肩合作,为新校址贡献上自己的一分力量。It was at this point that she became interested in possibly collaborating with the school and contributing to the new location.

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2009年瓦房村小学搬迁,原校址废弃。石国豹用这片地开发了4栋楼房,卖给乡里的人。In 2009 the village primary school relocation, the original site of waste. Shi Guobao used the land development of the 4 building, sold to the country folk.

当天,布莱尔在伦敦出席了时装零售培训学院新校址的剪彩仪式,这位平日里总是西装革履的首相先生首次向外界透露了自己在时尚方面的失败经历。Blair, normally a man for a sober suit-and-tie combination, lifted the lid on his fashion hell as he attended the opening of the Fashion Retail Academy's new home in London.

本文以天津外国语学院现建筑为视角,勾勒了校址近百年的变迁过程。This paper draws an outline of the changes of the location of the Institute during a hundred years from the angle of the buildings of Foreign Languages Institute in Tianjin.