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为了抵御大潮,围了一排栅栏protected from spring tides by a palisade

在那次精简人员的大潮中,她幸运地保住了她的工作。She wasn't sheded in the bout of downsizing.

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这是面对世俗大潮的最具挑战性的回应。This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide.

然而,在今天汹涌澎湃的经济改革大潮中。However, today the economy of billowy reforms spring tide in.

钱塘江大潮,自古以来被称为天下奇观。Since ancient times, qiantang river tide, called world wonders.

武屯中学将会在教育改革的大潮中勇往直前!So we are to advance bravely in the wave Of the education reform.

唐代,高姓中的一支随中原南移大潮进入福建。Tang dynasty witnessed a sub-clan of Gao migrating south to Fujian.

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全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa.

其结果将是迎来一轮IPO大潮,且大多来自那些亏损的公司。The result will be a flood of IPOs, mostly from money-losing companies.

那么,您如何能让您和您的公司跟上数据挖掘的大潮呢?So, how do you get you and your company on board the data-mining bandwagon?

盐水在小潮期间向上游推进,在大潮期间向下游推移。The saltwater moves upstream during neap and downstream during spring tide.

在这波3-D电影大潮之前,整个电影行业实际在走下坡路。Leading up to the current 3-D boom, the movie industry was spiraling downward.

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节庆大潮即将席卷茂比利街,卡博尼和托里西觉得应当加入到狂欢中去。With the feast about to take over their street, they felt they had to join in.

为此,华菱将筑起金融之堤,以迎接汹汹的市场下滑大潮。Therefore, Hualin will implement the financial measures to meet the need of market.

20世纪的戏剧就是在大潮冲击中争生存、求发展的戏剧。The drama of the 20th century has been struggling for its existence and development.

太阳引起的潮汐加到月亮引起的潮汐上,形成涨潮特高落潮特别低的大潮。Solar tides are added to lunar tides to form the unusually high and low spring tides.

不要见利忘义,不要损人利已,而应在人类走向繁荣的大潮中去享有自己的那一股激流。What we should do is to enjoy our own share at the common wealth of the human beings.

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大潮悬沙浓度大于小潮悬沙浓度。The spring tide suspended sediment concentration is bigger than that of the neap tide.

作为出版单位,我们要进一步投身到我国新闻出版行业的改革大潮中去。As publishers, we need to press further into China's publishing industry to reform tide.

在举世滔滔的佞佛大潮中,障百川而东之,挽狂澜于既倒。Ningfo the surging tide in the world, the barrier and the East rivers, to turn the tide.