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当晨光唤醒我时。When morning awakes me.

惟侑嗳能唤醒嗳。Love alone can waken love.

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请于7点唤醒我。Please awaken me at seven.

他唤醒学生们沉睡的心灵。He awakens sleeping spirits.

只有爱才能唤醒爱!Love alone could waken love!

唯有爱才能唤醒爱。Love alone could waken love.

鸟叫声唤醒了我。The songs of birds awake me.

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只有爱才气唤醒爱!Love alone could waken love !

痛苦可以成为唤醒者。Suffering can be an awakener.

唤醒我面临这么个世界?Awake me to a world like this?

她的轻吻唤醒了。She woke Endymion with a kiss.

脚步声唤醒了那条狗。The footsteps aroused the dog.

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如何没有鸡唤醒生民?How did chicken wake people up?

别错失去了唤醒爱的良机Lose not a chance to waken love

老师的话唤醒了我。The teacher's words awakened me.

现在是时候重新唤醒这个巨人了。It is time to reawaken this giant.

孤零零的哀歌将不会唤醒水手。Monody shall not wake the mariner.

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她不敢去唤醒她夫婿。She was afraid to wake her husband.

一群传说中的恶魔即将被唤醒。And a legendary evil will be awoken.

爱是挠痒痒,唤醒她!Love is waking her up with a tickle.