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这条小路曲曲弯弯地通往山上。The path ran zigzag up the hill.

这条路在山区里曲曲弯弯蜿蜒向前。The road zigzags in the mountains.

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这河曲曲弯弯地流过峡谷。The river meanders through the gorges.

那条小溪曲曲弯弯地流入村内。The stream comes cranking into the village.

山坳里尽是些曲曲弯弯的羊肠小道。There are a lot of winding footpaths in the col.

街道曲曲弯弯的,把我们弄得迷失了方向。We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.

黄浦江曲曲弯弯流经上海市区,最后注入东海。The Huangpu River winds its way across the city proper of Shanghai and pours into the East China Sea.

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于是,二马一驴,一行三人,沿着曲曲弯弯的小径向沙坨子深处出发了。So the three of them, two on horseback, one on a donkey, set out along a twisting path into the dunes.

从明雾洞出来,走过曲曲弯弯的小径,就来到了极粹庙,崂山所有的修道高僧都居住在这里。From the Cave of Bright Mist, a curving path down ends at Extreme Purity Temple, home to all Laoshan's attractive monks.

一条孤独的河流出这座村庄,沿着曲曲弯弯的路流经各种各样的景地。它关系着世界的变革和自身孤独地成长。When a lonely river flows out of the village, it flows past a variety of landscapes along the way, winding and twisting, and its relation with the world changes and its loneliness grows.

华为廿年来,从青纱帐里走出来,一个孤独的“农民”,走在一条曲曲弯弯的田间小路,像当年堂吉诃德一样的封闭,手拿长矛,单打独斗,跌跌撞撞地,走到今天。Huawei 20 years, from the green curtain to walk out, a lonely" farmer", walk along a winding path of the field, like that of Quixote the same closed, spear, mano a mano, stumbling, go to today.