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说不得还养了三只大狗两只暹罗猫猫。Not say also raises three big dog two Siam cat.

一个中学生说不得到他爸爸的同意就开他的车出去玩是危险的。Driving my father's car without his consent is a risky business.

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腐败的另一个隐蔽的特点是,腐败几乎是说不得的。An insidious feature of corruption is that it's hard to talk about.

栾学堂谁也说不得,只能夹在两个女人中间受夹板气。Luan school who also hard, can only be sandwiched between two women by air splint.

在不得当地时分说不得当地话无疑会给人留下欠好地印象。Say at the wrong time to give people the right, then certainly leave a bad impression.

想来,那些认为自己很忙的朋友,还没有忙到说不得这个份上吧。Want to come, those who consider themselves very busy friend, didn't get to say not on this.

说不得是一家公司的负责人,不仅要养活自己一家人,还要替其他几十个人的家庭操心。That is not the person in charge of a company, not only to feed their one family, but also for other dozens of individual families.

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不为别的,只是隐隐的有着一种想法,说不得有多傻或者其他,只是单纯的觉得,想回到过去,然后再来一次罢了。Not for anything else, only half have an idea, not say how silly or other, just think, want to go back to the past, and then one more time.

看在老天的份上,不要去干涉别人的私事或说不得体的话,但你可以花上片刻工夫问问某个人,他是怎么来到这里的或者他是怎么干上这一行的?Do not be intrusive or tactless, for heaven’s sake, but take a moment and ask someone, how did you come here or how did you get into this business?

可无论怎么说,这春枝肚子里的孩子,却正经是谢府的主子,说不得,将来就能出头了。Is whatever to say, this children in the belly, but solemn is the chief son that thanks a mansion, say not get, the future can be getting more successful in career.