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好在,亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。But it is not too late.

好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

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三亚旅游好在哪?为啥要选择三亚?Which does San Ya tour'advantages are?

好在等了一会儿,雪暂时停了。Later the snow stopped for a while. Mr.

也许,我造了长青树好在上面休息。Perhaps I created laurels to rest upon.

但是好在金星本身是颗福星,也就还没那么坏。But Venus is a benefic- it isn't so bad.

四十五块。好在我白天有另一份工作。Forty-five. Good thing I have a day job.

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并且羊肉汤是好在冬天吃。And mutton soup is good to eat in winter.

好在他伤势不重。Luckily he was not very seriously wounded.

好在偶儿子车技还是相当的可以。Thanks god my son is very good at driving.

好在我称它为有一些不典型性。The good part is that I called sth atypia.

好在神面前把自己荐与各人的良心。to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

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好在对小珠儿来说,还有的是时间呢。But there was time enough yet for little Pearl.

骨灰出炉前我们和火化师父说好在炉前等。I waited for her cremains by the ashes furnace.

好在正义终究会战胜邪恶。Fortunately, justice will eventually defeat evil.

还好在喀纳斯湖拍了这几张。送给你!Luckily, I have a few shots from Kanas Lake for you.

好在她口才好,只要几句话就把事情解释清楚了。A few sentences should be enough to clear the matter.

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通常赌大牌都是事先约好在哪里赌。Bet on major suit is in advance about where gambling.

好在选民看透了他在撒谎,所以我们轻而易举就把他击败了。But the voters saw he was lying so we easily beat him.

我们的马被小马夫安顿好在马厩里了。Our horse was bedded down in the barn by the stable boy.