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掌声雷动。The applause thundered forth.

帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。Applause is sweeping through the trees.

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全场掌声雷动。The audience burst into thunderous applause.

沉寂片刻,欢呼声声掌声雷动And after a gap of quiet, cheers and applause

演示完毕,房间里掌声雷动。When they were over, the room erupted in applause.

柯林黑唱了一小时后在掌声雷动中下了台。Colin left the stage after an hour to rapturous applause.

我朗诵完了,令我大为惊讶的是,全班掌声雷动。I finished and, to my surprise, the class broke out in applause.

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他稍事站立,以向观众致意,掌声雷动。He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.

伴随着祥和的气氛,晚会自始至终欢声笑语,掌声雷动。With a cheerful atmosphere, laughter and applause permeate from start to finish.

当我们进入体育场时,掌声雷动,把我从沉思中惊醒。I was awakened out of my musings16 by the thunderous applause when we entered the stadium.

所有人都起立致敬,掌声雷动,充斥着整个运动场,都忘记了这是一个保持沉默许诺。Applause at this Promise Keepers event swelled to a thunderous standing ovation across the stadium.

据媒体报道,当时台下学生掌声雷动。The students, according to published accounts of the address, responded with enthusiastic applause.

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现在我拉拢窗帘,感觉心胸更开阔,头脑更清醒。帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。I close the curtain now, feeling broader, fresher. The act is over. Applause is sweeping through the trees.

五十分钟过后,唱完八首歌的我们在掌声雷动中走下舞台,心里充满了巨大的成就感。Fifty minutes and eight songs later we walked off the stage to applause, filled with a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

对于这种时间盒,我常常把闹铃设成掌声雷动来给自己一点点鼓励。For such type of time boxes, I like to configure my timer with a round of applause sound as a little incentive to keep me going.

伟大的美国队一入场,满堂喝彩、掌声雷动,整个鸟巢都沸腾啦!As soon as the Great team of USA enters, the whole stadium cheer, thunderous clapping and applauses , the whole stadium is boiling !

结束介绍后,影迷们长时间起立鼓掌,掌声雷动,相机的闪光灯闪成一片,卢卡斯坐到位子上,回答影迷们的提问。After the introduction, a thunderous standing ovation, and millions of camera flashes, Lucas sat down to take questions from the crowd.

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当席琳迪翁在演出中将这位年轻绚丽的女歌手介绍给观众时,全场沸腾,掌声雷动。In the middle of the concert, when Celine Dion introduced the young incredible singer to the big audience, the crowd cheered up and applauded loudly to the bravery girl.

上个月在爱荷华州中心地区的艾姆斯市举行非正式投票时,共和党总统候选人之一罗恩·保罗呼吁海外军队撤回国内,台下掌声雷动。At the Ames straw poll in the Iowa heartland last month, Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate, was cheered to the rafters when he called for the troops to come home.

现在是下里巴人吃香,一个通俗歌星,文化虽然不高,但一出现在舞台上,观众就像疯了一样,立即全场起立,掌声雷动。Nowadays what is popular is in favor. The moment a pop singer, though under educated, appears on the stage, the audience will be mad, stand up and give her a thunderous applause.