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有一个金属铮铮。There was a metallic clank.

他看见前方出现了一条明铮铮、亮晶晶的光洁冰面。Before him appeared a gleaming, crystal ribbon of pure white ice.

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箭袋和发亮的枪,并短枪在它身上铮铮有声。The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield.

即使在经济萧条的时期,他的事业仍然铮铮日上。Even the time of economic depression his business continued to flourish.

铁骨铮铮,我们在火辣辣的太阳下不屈不挠,认真练习。With strong mind, we are dauntless and practicing hard in the torrid sun.

敲敲,铮铮地,上面爬满了绿苔小草呢!Knock on it make an metallic sound. there are full of moss and little grass.

天气仍然很好,她走在路上,地面像铁砧一样,在她的脚下铮铮直响。The weather was still favourable, the ground ringing under her feet like an anvil.

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没有风霜雨血的考验哪有铮铮的傲骨?Where doesnt have wind and frost rain bloods test to have clank the lofty character?

当他的可怜的驴子在重担之下变的精疲力尽时,这个男人还是铮铮有声的鞭打它。As his poor donkey became exhausted under the heavy load, the man belabored it soundly.

当他的可怜的驴子在重担之下变得筋疲力尽时,这个男人还是铮铮有声的鞭打它。As his poor donkey became exhausted under the heavy load , the man belabored it soundly.

她的小说中的那些男主人公们,往往都是既有铮铮的铁骨,同时又有深深的柔情。The hero in her novels have not only the clank of lofty character, but also tender passion.

民主党希望回到克林顿时代,那时财政收支平衡,经济铮铮向荣。Democrats wanted to return to the Clinton years, when budgets were balanced and the economy was booming.

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乔抖动蓝色的军袜,把里头的针弄得铮铮作响,线团也滚落到一边。And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.

读着大侄儿的“君子坦荡荡”,品味着大侄儿的“龙性谁驯”一个铁骨铮铮的男子汉会是所有人的骄傲的!Read the great nephew of" a gentleman", taste great nephew" dragon tamer who" an unyielding man will be proud of!

村口巍然矗立十二座坟墓,乃十二名铮铮男儿不畏强敌誓死捍卫村民的见证。Village stands rock-firm twelve grave, but a dozen ZhengZheng manhood defying propetamphos defend villagers testimony.

花红挺身而出,斥责二当家,沈家门是杀日本人而死的,整个辛浦镇上,只有沈家门才是一条铁骨铮铮的汉子。Two bonus to rebuke Shenjiamen is headed, killing Japanese died, the entire Xin Pu town, only Shenjiamen is an upright man.

可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared.

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能连续做800个仰卧起坐、220个俯卧撑,出拳打击力量达到350公斤,能不间断奔跑60公里,是一位铁骨铮铮的硬汉子。Able to do 800 sit-ups a row, 220 push-ups, punches strike force of 350 kilograms, can run 60 km non-stop, is a tough one upright.

从远处看,战神1号火箭并不讨人喜欢-一根细长的白杆子,看上去几乎会在佛罗里达的风中铮铮作响。From a distance, the rocket is unprepossessing — a slender white stalk that looks almost as if it would twang in the Florida wind.

您的坚忍不拔和铮铮硬骨是我永远的榜样,我从您那儿汲取到奋发的力量,走过挫折,迈向成功,父亲,您是我的榜样,我爱您!Clank your perseverance and hard bone is an example I will never, I learned from there to exert your strength, through frustration, to success, Dad, you are my role model, I love you!