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您的视力怎么样?How is your eyesight?

您知道自己的视力吗?Do you know your eyesight?

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怎样可以保护视力?。How can you protect vision?

没有润滑就没有视力。No lubrication, no eyesight.

他的视力已恢复。He was restored to his sight.

年老后视力会变差。One's sight suffers for ages.

这位老人视力不好。The old man's vision is poor.

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明亮的光线影响视力。Bright light affects the eyes.

她因失明而丧失视力。She was disabled by blindness.

然后她又进行了一次视力测试。And again, she ran the eye test.

白内障会影响你的视力。Cataracts can affect your vision.

怎样使视力变好?How to make eyesight ameliorates?

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我生来就有极隹的视力。I am favored with excellent sight.

我祖父的视力在减退。My grandfather's eyesight is going.

眼镜可以矫正视力缺陷。Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.

刺骨的寒风使视力模糊。The biting wind bleared the vision.

严重的感冒使他视力模糊。A bad cold has made him bleary- eyed.

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大量读书损害了他的视力。Much reading has impaired his vision.

矫正视力是什么意思?What meaning is correctional eyesight?

预知是超视力的一种形式。Precognition is a form of clairvoyance.