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这些后期画作的价值略逊一筹。These later paintings are slightly inferior in value.

水彩画似乎仍比油画略逊一筹。Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.

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不过,与通过服务编排完成的组合相比,这种组合的灵活性要略逊一筹。This composition, however, will be less flexible than if the composition were a choreography of services.

一正一副的校长开端为了这项议题争论起来,说到争论的气势副校长仍是略逊一筹。One is a vice principal beginning to this issue arose, said to debate vigour vice principal is still lower.

科瀚更擅长报道和搜集信息,而在如何把信息正确传达给读者方面,他要略逊一筹。Mr.Cohan has done a better job of reporting and gathering information than he has of relaying it to the reader.

科瀚更擅长报道和搜集信息,而在如何把信息正确传达给读者方面,他要略逊一筹。Mr. Cohan has done a better job of reporting and gathering information than he has of relaying it to the reader.

这就是为什么1848年版本这样害怕,并诋毁女性,与1820年版本相比,略逊一筹。So that's why the 1848 text with its fear of and denigration of women, in contrast to the 1820 text, is inferior.

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此时,云和炎在比武,雪在一旁为略逊一筹的炎紧张。At this point, the clouds and inflammation in the tournament, the snow on the side for a slightly smaller tension.

对于上面我们谈到的那个来访团组,在选择策略方面决出决定是很难的,因为该团组成员与对方相比,技术水平略逊一筹。The visiting team above will have a difficult time deciding on a strategy, as its members are less technically acute than the opposition.

野生环境下生长的铁皮石斛比人工栽培的铁皮石斛略逊一筹。The content in the Dendrobium candidum growing under the wild environment is less than that in the manual cultivation Dendrobium candidum.

他们发现年长父亲的孩子在其8个月、四岁、七岁时进行的智力测试中的表现略逊一筹。They found that the children of older dads performed less well in intelligence tests conducted at age eight months, four years and seven years.

他们还公布说,“有时,比起一个人例行公事读或者略读博客的习惯,即使有用的博客内容本身的吸引力还略逊一筹。”"Sometimes, even the usefulness of the blog content itself can be less vital than the activity of reading or skimming the blog to fulfill a person's particular routine, " they said in a release.

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而今,两国政府都是强有力的中央集权,监管着公私混合工业的国家经济,实际上俄罗斯在监管经济方面的纪律性相比略逊一筹。Today, both countries govern with a potent centralized authority, overseeing economies with a mix of private and state industries, although the Russians have long seemed less disciplined in doing so.