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卵子内纺锤体或纺锤丝不恢复。Spindle don't recover in eggs.

该区域被称为"纺锤状区"。The part of the brain is called the fusiform region.

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目前还不清楚为什么有些人产生的纺锤波比其他人多。It is not clear why some people make more spindles than others.

老妇人把纺锤放下,对莉莎特和蔼地微笑着。The old woman put down her spindle and smiled kindly on Lizette.

纺锤从四面匀速地转动,不断地发出轧轧的响声。The spindles kept up their regular hum on all sides without pause.

或认为睡眠纺锤波也对记忆力起着更重要作用?Or do spindles also play a more active role in memory consolidation?

这些纺锤波出现在丘脑,大脑的意识中继站中。The spindles arise in the brain's sensory relay centre in the thalamus.

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你会有较少的纺锤波,而且你可能无法学到同样多的东西。You will have fewer spindles, and you might not be able to learn as much.

纺锤节的圆锥体形状也促使水滴在它们周围汇集。The cone shape of the spindle-knots also drives droplets towards their centre.

第一个晚上出现更多的纺锤波意味着他们更可能免受噪音干扰的影响。More spindles meant they were more likely to be protected from sleep disruption.

睡眠纺锤波可能与声音“相撞“并阻止噪声进入。The sleep spindles may be “colliding” with the sounds and blocking their progress.

纤维肉瘤与子宫肌肉瘤出现典形的纺锤细胞形态。Fibrosarcomas and leiomyosarcomas present with this classical spindle cell pattern.

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在前文中已提出了产生纺锤波的生理机制模型。Models for mechanisms of spindle waves production have been presented in previous paper.

睡眠纺锤密度和K综合波密度与正常FNE显著相关。The density of sleep spindle and K-complex were significantly correlated with normal FNE.

然后,纺锤体将会随机地出现在母染色体和父染色体的每一边的中线上。The spindles then place maternal and paternal chromosomes randomly on each side of midline.

最后,同源染色全在纺锤体的牵引下分开。这保证了姐妹染色单体的完好无损。Finally, spindle fibers pull the homologues apart. This leaves the sister chromatids intact.

极光激酶A参与中心体分离、成熟和纺锤体组装及稳定。Aurora A is involved in centrosome separation, maturation, and spindle assembly and stability.

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纺锤节表面粗糙,因为里面的纤维是随机交织在一起的。The spindle-knots have a rough surface, because the fibrils within them are randomly interweaved.

当研究者作出了一个排除这些纺锤的视角,它结晶了,不过这并不稳定。When the researchers made a version without these spindles, it crystallized, but it wasn’t stable.

产生纺锤波的大脑区域叫做丘脑,它只会在我们睡着了的时候出现。Spindles, which only appear when we are asleep, are generated by a brain region called the thalamus.