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我现在获得了土地证,我也成为了一名自豪的公民。I have this and now I'm a proud citizen.

土地证使我获得了与男人同等的地位。This certificate made me equal with the men.

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我公司得到了这个地块的土地证。My company has got the title-deeds of this land.

无土地证,拆迁赔偿差多少钱?。No land certificate, demolition of poor compensation for how much?

并拥有了独立的国有产权土地证。And has the independent the state-owned property right of land card.

她是在与丈夫离婚并分得家中一半农田后拿到土地证的。She got it after divorcing her husband and receiving half the family land.

申办土地证、申办房产证。进行工程决算审核、办理项目结算。To apply for the land license and real estate certificate and carry a project audit review and item settlements.

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现在,这些问题已趋于平息,该区全部10783户家庭都因此拿到了土地证。But those problems have largely been put to rest now that all of the district’s 10,783 farming households have been certified.

国土部门在北京1954坐标系下,已完成大多数城镇的初始调查工作,并发放了相应的土地证等图件资料。Land departments have finished much wok of initial land investigation of urban in Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System 1954, and the land certificates have given.

买卖双方在签订合同之前要出示自己的证件,卖方也要出示房产证,土地证等证明房屋所属权的证件。Buyers and sellers before signing the contract to produce their own documents, the seller must produce title deed, land certificates and other documents to prove ownership of housing.

不同省、市政府部门对填海形成陆域后,在换发土地证时,是否需要再次缴纳土地出让金意见并不统一。Provincial and municipal governments get different opinions on whether it need to submit payment for the land once more when marine reclamation land receiving land utilization certificate.