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牠从晶亮闪烁的海上来。It came from the glittering sea.

捧起晶亮的雨滴,留在心中的还是寂寞。Pick up bright the raindrops, or remain in the hearts of lonely.

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你希望水缸是隐形的,而非“晶晶亮,透心凉”。You want the tank to be invisible, not highlighted by waterdrops.

纷泽滋润炫彩晶亮唇膏是第一款富含蜂王浆的唇膏。Color Riche Shine Gelee is the 1st lipstick enriched with Royal Jelly.

她的双眼闪着晶亮的光,可她的面色却猛然间变了。Her eyes were shining brilliantly , but her face lost its colour within twenty seconds.

多彩的风信子,晃动着我的初恋。你晶亮的眼睛,引燃了我青春的热情。Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love. Your bright eyes, I ignited the passion of youth.

我喜欢这里泥土的芬芳,草坪的清香,露珠的晶亮。I like the fragrance from the soil, the aroma from the lawn and the radiance from the dews.

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我站在石臼旁边,仰起头看那落下的雨滴,晶亮透剔。I stood beside the stone mortar, raised his head to look at the falling rain, bright and transparent.

他眸子晶亮,紧紧的看住他的小东西。有火苗在眸底闪烁。He the Mou son is crystal bright, tightly see his runt. There is flame flicker being at the Mou bottom.

景观石中的汉白玉是一种晶亮皎白的大理石,给人一干二净和庄严肃穆的美感。Landscape of white marble stone is a kind of lively JiaoBai marble, give a person all and solemn beauty.

奇胡立是位著名的玻璃雕塑家,他晶亮流畅的作品常让人联想到活跃的海底生物。Chihuly is famous for glass sculptures whose brilliant flowing forms conjure up active undersea creatures.

它喜欢小蜜柑,喜欢颗颗都是琥珀色的麝香葡萄,还喜欢带著晶亮蜜珠儿的紫色无花果。He likes tangerines, muscatel grapes, all amber-colored, and purple figs with their crystal point of honey.

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内含漆面增亮活性因子,洗完后的车辆干净晶亮,光彩照人,漆面质感强烈。Containing lacquer Zengliang active factor, washing the vehicle clean and bright, shiny, textured finish strong.

本品呈深石榴红色,澄清晶亮,具有浓郁的红色和黑色水果以及胡椒,青草香气。A deep garnet-red colour offering brilliance and luminosity. Aromas of red and black fruit, spices and fresh herbs.

眼妆和唇妆只能夸张一方,所以用小烟熏眼配浅色晶亮嘴唇。Eye makeup and lip makeup can exaggerative one party, match bright lip of light color brilliant with small sootiness eye so.

这款唇蜜是在唇笔和唇膏之后使用的定妆产品。该款晶亮唇蜜会您带来持久的闪亮。Designed to be worn on its own, over Lip Pencil or Lipstick, Clear Lipglass is the perfect product for creating shine that lasts.

珠光晶亮蜜粉让肤色更加自然无瑕,能提高彩妆透明感,就连面部上的小瑕疵都能轻松遮住。Shining Crystal Loose Powder can create natural and flawless complexion, enhance transparent make-up finish, easily cover small flaws.

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这款樱桃淡粉色调唇彩,蕴含施华洛世奇水晶微粒和璀璨的水晶亮粉,令樱唇绽放闪亮动人的光彩。This rose-hued lip gloss is imbued with genuine micronised Swarovski crystals and iridescent Crystal Shine powder. For lips that glow.

大皇宫是曼谷、是泰国最辉煌的建筑群,有着层层叠叠镶砌的屋顶上的晶亮的琉璃瓦,精美的绘画、刻和装怖艺术。The Grand Palace is the most famous structure in all of Thailand with its spectacular roof lines, extensive murals, and extravagant ornamentation.

魅可的晶亮润肤乳现在已经有多种颜色选择,这类产品会帮你营造一种皮肤“由内而外散发光彩”的错觉。She says using a product like MAC Strobe Cream, which is now available in multiple colours, will give you the illusion of being 'lit from within. '